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[LOCK] Digimon: Human Retribution

Legend Zero

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Tsukaimon glanced at the Tamer and her Digimon. "Yes. Yes I am. Unless you can claim that you're stronger than a Soverign, I don't think one greenhorned Tamer and her Champion-Level Digimon will be much of a threat to him." He paused and corrected myself. "One greenhorned Tamer and her cute Champion-Level Digimon." He said with a smirk, then turned to Agumon.

"Firstly, we have to find out something about the Master. Unfortunately, I think the only way to do that is to get closer to his territory." He glanced at Jacob. "Wait, what?"


Maero blinked at Tsukaimon. "...Tsukaimon, what's going on?"


The violet Patamon smirked. "Nothing, dear, just go back to sleep now."

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"i may not like you but ill work with you i dont like seeing digimon hurt"

gatomon"but hiku we can already go furter than this lvl we dont need these weaklings"

"i know i do think ther weak but we need them to help us sve the others"


*gatomon glares at tuskaimon* weak

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Tsukaimon smirked at Gatomon. "Tell that to the twelve rookies and eight champion whose' data I've assimilated. Sides's, who needs strength when you've got brains? Otherwise, you may as well be a bulldozer. You're still cute, by the way."

Maero blinked at Tsukaimon. "Are you... flirting?"

"Blirting, actually. It's a cross between bragging and flirting, it's pretty much all I can do."

"Ah. Explains that. So, what'd I miss?"

Tsukaimon smirked. "Well, I turned into a Devidramon to save your side- and for those of you who aren't gifted with the knowledge of what a Devidramon looks like, think devil crossed with a dragon-, and after that, these guys stopped by. We're deciding what to do now. I'm arguing we shouldn't just barge into our enemy's main fortress and pop open the sovereign's cages, because that might be a little, you know, fatal."

Maero paused. "Right. Whose our enemy again? You were being very vague about that."

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"The enemy is unknown, all who see it have been......terminated." Agumon sadly says.


The day quickly switched to night, the sky turns dark.


"Its nighttime in the Digital World." Agumon celverly states.


"Great, and we had problems during the day....."


OoC: Gotta go, see ya tommorow. ;-)

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Maero blinked. "I just spent the past fifteen minutes in a stupor, and fifteen mintues before that being tossed around by a boar. I think it's a fine plan, but I'm probably not in the best state to judge that... Also, that didn't really answer my question, what are we facing, and why?"

Tsukaimon shrugged with his wings. "Nobody really knows. But he's enough to fight back against, if he's imprisoned the Sovereigns and killed one of them." He glanced at the cards. "That sounds fair enough, if we can assume those cards are fullproof. We still don't know where to sneak into, or where the Sovereigns are being kept. It seems unlikely they're all in the same place, so that strategy probably wouldn't work twice."

He paused and glanced at Leomon. "Only a coward hurts a cute girl if she doesn't strike first, 'Leo. Why the hell's everyone so touchy about being called weak anyhow? Brains over brawn, brains over brawn people."

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"dont mess with my gatomon..wait you..., you bastard! *data punches leomon* leave us to fight alone"

*forgot about the punch* "uhhh ohh yea i should explain on my way here a leomon that looked exactly like him passed us up when we were fighting a horde of flamemon. tee hee"

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Rale-Lieu Drew The Katana And Held The Tip Of The Blade At Gatomon "Likely Story, Too Bad I Don't Beleve Stories From Street Rats!" Leomon Punched Gatomon Back, The Punch Sent Her/Him Back a Few Feet, Also Leaving A Black Mark "Take That As A Warning!" Lemon Said Before Walking Off, Soon Folowed By Rale-Lieu.




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Jason heard the explosions and followed them to a large group of humans and digimon. 'Safety at last, I am saved, thank the lord' he preached. 'What is wrong with you?' Ko asked. 'There is always safety innumbers, and even greater safety in warming up to the leader. You're a bug, you should know these things' Jason replied and confronted the group. 'Hello there' he said disgustingly brightly.

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OOC: Evidently not, but I wll keep saying that Leomon's rookie is Elecmon.


IC: The pair watched the fight and Jason pulled out a small note pad. 'Okay, creepy armoured guy and the 7 foot lion must be the leader here, but that cat thing has spunk, what do you place your bets on?' he asked. 'You're sick' Ko replied.

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