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Make a Pokemon Move

Saturn of Elemia

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Name: Psypunch

Type: Psycic

Power: 75

Accuracy: 100

Effect: 10% to confuse the opponent. Physical

Description: The user punches the foe with a Psycic Punch. May confuse.


Name: Burning Turn

Power: ---

Accuracy: 75

Effect: Causes a burn and confusion/the user loses -1 attack stat during each of the ends of your turn/The opponent takes 75 damage on a Pokemon if they switch out

Description: The user rampages the opponent with a full body tackle that causes a burn and confusion. Also illuminates the battlefield with an extraordinary scorch that damages any switching-out Pokemon.

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These are my five attacks. Comments on what you think.




0 Phisical

99% Accuracy

Renders the opponent unable to attack, switch pokemon, or use items for three turns.

The pokemon turns into a spirit form and flies through the opponents pokemon.






20x Special

Flip a coin six times. Does 20 damage for every heads. Recoil Damage of 10 for each heads.

The pokemon uses its own energy to form six thick needles that are hurled at the enemy.






One Hit K-O Special

30% Accuracy

Sends a huge wave of water 10x more powerful and bigger than "surf" at the enemy.

Surf's version of "Fissure"




Molten Claw


70 Physical

75% Accuracy

High Critical-Hit rate. 90% chance of a burn.

Claws turns orange and looks like lava is flowing through them. slashes the enemy with molten-hot fury.




Starter Beam


120 Special

80% Accuracy

50% Critical-Hit rate

A Flamethrower, Water Gun, and Razor Leaf shoot out in a spiral formation towards the enemy.(Can only be used by Mew, Mewtwo, or Arceus.)

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Name: Malice Purge

Type: Dark | Physical

Power: 60

Accuracy: 95

PP: 10

Description: The user tries to knock any illness from the foe. If successful, the user may be rewarded twice over.

Effect: If the opponent Pokemon is Poisoned, this move does double damage, cures the foe of Poison and heals the user by 50% of the damage done.

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Power: 160

Accuracy: 85

Effect: May cause confusion

Description: A large and violent tornado.


Infinity Spectrum


Power: ---

Accuracy: 95

Effect: User randomly uses one of the following moves: Fire Blast, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake, Maelstrom, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball

Description: User must recharge for one turn after use.

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Name: cum shot


Power: 0


Effect:makes your opponent unable to attack for 1 turn.

Description:the user shoots all his cum on the opponent.


Michico = Win


Name: Orgasme

Type: Water

Power: ---

Accuracy: ---

Category: Other

Effect: Recovers all HP, decreases speed by 1 level.

Description: User has a massive orgy.

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Name: Cannonball

Type: Water | Physical

Power: 70

Accuracy: 95

PP: 10

Description: The user tackles the foe into a nearby pool of water. Others might be damaged by the attack.

Effect: If Splash was used within the last turn, this move does double damage to the foe, and the next opponent Pokemon that switches in is damaged for half of normal power.

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Name: Dragon Fire

Type: Fire

Power: 80

Accuracy: 100%

Effect: May leave the foe paralyzed. If used by a dragon-type pokemon, this move changes to the dragon type.

Description: The user shoots a dragon beam of fire, Sometimes leaving the foe paralyzed. It is unown why it sometimes changes to the dragon type.

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Name: Cold Snap

Type: Ice | Special

Power: 55

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Description: The user rapidly lowers the surrounding temperature by absorbing ambient heat, possibly freezing any Pokemon in the area.

Effect: Hits all other Pokemon in battle for 100% of power, 20% chance of causing Freeze condition. Fire type moves used within 1 turn after do 1.5 damage.

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Name: Spacial portal

Power: Physical. 170

Type: Physchic

Accuracy: 90

Effect: User takes 4/5 of recoil damage

description: The user shoots a blast of energy behind the enemy and opens a portal, than rushes at him with his hand forward. pushing them both through the portal. then comes out through portals over and over agian, then apears straight into a star and blasts straight into it.

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