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Make a Pokemon Move

Saturn of Elemia

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Yay, time for some fun. The point of this game is simple: make a Pokemon move. Just follow this form:


Name: (Name of the move - obviously)

Type: (One of the 17 types - technically 18 if you wanna do the ???)

Power: (How powerful it is - also specify if it is a Physical or Special move)

Accuracy: (How accurate it is. High Attack moves tend to have low accuracy unless it has some sort of drawback, but feel free to go crazy if you feel like it. We're here to have fun, after all. Make sure to put it in %)

Effect: (What the move does)

Description: (Little description of the move)


Here's an example:


Vorpal Blade


130 Physical

75% accuracy

High chance of critical hits

The Pokemon slashes with a tempered blade of unrivaled sharpness. This move has a high critical-hit rate.



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For Dio Brando:


Name: Za Warudo

Type: Ghost

Power: 0; Special

Accuracy: 100%

Effect: Creates a "Stand" (Think of a substitute except the toll is sent straight to the user, there is no HP fee, and all of the pokemon's stats is improved)

Description: Dio Brando summons his stand to help him attack.)


For Jotaro Joestar:


Name: Star Platinum

Type: Ghost

Power: 0; Special

Accuracy: 100%

Effect: Creates a "Stand" (Think of a substitute except the toll is sent straight to the user, there is no HP fee, and all of the pokemon's stats is improved)

Description: Jotaro summons his stand to help him attack.

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Name: HeavyWave

Type: Ghost

Power: --, Other

Accuracy: --

PP: 5

Effect: Any stat changes or Items/Ablities that increase/decrease damage have a reverse effect. Lasts for 5 turns.

Description: A dense energy alters the area's normality.


I can see teams being built around this.

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Name:Stomach Punch





Effect:40% chance to flinch opponent.

Description:The user sends a punch of unrivaled force and connects it to the opponent's stomach,causing great strain.



Name:Light Speed





Effect:After this moved has been used the user's evasion rises dramaticly while his Deffence,Special Deffence,Attack and Special Attack fall greatly.3 turns later his evasion turns to normal.

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Name: Dealing Strike

Type: Dark

Power: --, Other

Accuracy: 90%

Effect: If it hits (90% of the time), it has an equal chance (20%, 18% after accuracy) to remove an opponents status condition and inflict it with a randomly chosen status.

Description: It removes a status and inflicts another. =D

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Name: Diamond Blitz

Type: ROCK

Power: 100 (Physical)

Accuracy: ----

Effect: Move always hits, Move may lower foe's attack, User cannot use any ROCK type move the next turn.

Description: The user blasts 50 beams from the body containing masses of diamond.

PP: 5

Pokemon that can learn it: Emeral at lv100 (My made up Pokemon :p)

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Name: Requiem of Chaos

Type: ???

Power: 160

Accuracy: 90%

Effect: It is always going to be a Super-effective attack, Hits all active Pokemon

Description: a Strange attack that always seems to hit a weak spot... to bad that it hits everyone


Name: Chaos Impact

Type: ???

Power: 40

Accuracy: ---

Effect: Guaranteed to Hit and is always a Super-effective attack

Description: a Strange, Precise attack that always seems to hit a weak spot

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Name: Speed Blitz

Type: Normal - ExtremeSpeed is

Power: ??? - Physical

Accuracy: 70%

Effect: The higher the speed of the user, the more powerful this move is.

Description: The user rushes forward and strikes the foe with varying intensity.

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