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Magician of Faith and Breaker The Magical Warrior[DISC]

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We all know the effects...but how viable are they now?


Breaker wastes a normal summon to make you annoyed at the fact at your opponent chaining...


Magician of Faith is destroyed while face down...


I'm not saying the two aren't broken but that in this format they aren't as bad...Discuss...

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Both cards are borderline, but the consensus is that Breaker should be banned and that MoF should be Unlimited.

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Faith isn't the problem, it's these borderline limited Spells that cause the trouble. As we discussed a while a go, the problem with cards like Monster Reborn and Heavy Storm is that in general, if only one of the players draws it then it gives them a significant advantage (usually). So, drawing one of these power spells, and then getting Faith to re-use it again would be potentially disastrous. My conclusion is that Faith should come back, but only if all spells that deserve to be banned actually end up that way.

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Magician of faith > unlimited

Breaker > limited


If Magician of Faith remains unlimited we have to limit apprentice magician.

Its a recycle, and with book at 3, we would have a huge draw power engine coming


Magician should come back at limited.


Breaker is banworthy, but konami probabely will not consider him banned since he is little threat at 1.

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