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Ways to abuse Zombie World

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[spoiler=Zombie World]ZombieWorldSDZW-EN-C-1E.jpg



Obvious ideas are Synchros and Tuners, but I want to compile a list of cards that can be heavily abused with this. Just make suggestions and I'll add them to the list.


-All Earthbound Gods

-Darklord Zerato

-Exiled Force

-Fire Trooper

-Getsu Fuhma


-Molten Zombie

-Sacred Crane

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Fox Fire + Everliving Underworld Cannon.




You can guess how this would work out.


Alternately, if you're going a route of pure burn, you could always use Volcanic Hammerer and Scattershot.




Scattershot would be used for its 'if this card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 500 damage' effect (easy Tribute fodder for other Zombies, if you so chose), and Hammerer would be able to (ab)use them while they're in there -- considering it targets "Volcanic" monsters rather than Pyro-types. Counter can also be used to this end, with a side-bonus of the opponent not wanting to attack for fear of taking the damage as well (when adding that onto the repeated and frequent burning involved . . . ).


So, what do you all think?

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Not the best use but when used with Overpowering Eyes gives essentially any monster with 2000 or less the ability to attack directly for a turn, could be useful for monsters that need to inflict damage to activate their effects but have low attack. Combine with Twin Swords of Flashing Light- Tryce to dump another monster(Mezuki or Il Blud maybe?) and lower the attack for something too high to be affected and give two attacks/just give two attacks aka two activations of whatever effect you're aiming for per turn. I'm sure there's some monster that could potentially use this well, just not sure what monster that would be at the moment off the top of my head.





Like I said, not the best idea ever but it could have some potential with Arms Hole and all the recursion that Zombies have.

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Not the best use but when used with Overpowering Eyes gives essentially any monster with 2000 or less the ability to attack directly for a turn' date=' could be useful for monsters that need to inflict damage to activate their effects but have low attack. Combine with Twin Swords of Flashing Light- Tryce to dump another monster(Mezuki or Il Blud maybe?) and lower the attack for something too high to be affected and give two attacks/just give two attacks aka two activations of whatever effect you're aiming for per turn. I'm sure there's some monster that could potentially use this well, just not sure what monster that would be at the moment off the top of my head.





Like I said, not the best idea ever but it could have some potential with Arms Hole and all the recursion that Zombies have.


Mataza the Zapper would be good alone with that Overpowering Eyes and a Zombie World, by that logic.


Alternatively, you'd be able to use Chainsaw Insect alongside that combo if you just wanted to pull out the stops with raw power.

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