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Rate My Blackwing Deck

What do you rate my deck out of 10?  

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  1. 1. What do you rate my deck out of 10?

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Please help me cut my deck to 40. Thanks R/F greatly appreciated




Monsters: 19


2 Blackwing – Siracco the Dawn

3 Blackwing – Gale of the Hurricane

3 Blackwing- Bora the Spear

3 Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame

3 Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow

2 Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North

1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Morphing Jar (should i run this?)


Spells: 13


2 Allure of Darkness

3 Black Whirlwind

2 Book of Moon

2 Dark Eruption

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Swords of Revealing Light



Traps: 11


2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Delta Crow – Anti Reverse

1 Mirror Force

3 Reckless Greed

2 Threatening Roar

2 Icarus Attack


Side Deck (should I take Gravekeeper cards out?) (help me improve my side deck)

2 Light Imprisoning Mirror

1 Gravekeeper's Spy

1 Gravekeeper's Guard

2 Dark Illusion

1 Solemn Judgement

2 Royal Oppression

1 Caius

1 Raiza

1 Trap Eater

1 D.D. Crow

1 Threatening Roar


Extra Deck – 14 (one more synchro?)

1 Magical Android

2 Dark Strike Fighter

2 Blackwing Armor Master

2 Blackwing Armed Wing

1 Goyo Guarsian

1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

2 Black Rose Dragon

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

2 Stardust Dragon

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-2 Black Salvo

-3 Dekoichi (you got allures and recklesses already)

+1 of each blackwing except for Sirocco and Blizzard (kulat, shura, bora)


-1 swords

-2 threatening

+2 Icarus (what does dark illusion do? cuz i find Icarus really helpful at times. its a good general destruction card. main at 2)

+1 Delta Crow (run at 2)


im guessing you have no more than 1 solemn? its at its best when maxed so, if you do get it

-2 bottomless (if you want to run 41 cards) or -1 delta crow (for 40 cards)

+3 solemn judgment

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-2 Black Salvo

-3 Dekoichi (you got allures and recklesses already)

+1 of each blackwing except for Sirocco and Blizzard (kulat' date=' shura, bora)


-1 swords

-2 threatening

+2 Icarus (what does dark illusion do? cuz i find Icarus really helpful at times. its a good general destruction card. main at 2)

+1 Delta Crow (run at 2)


im guessing you have no more than 1 solemn? its at its best when maxed so, if you do get it

-2 bottomless (if you want to run 41 cards) or -1 delta crow (for 40 cards)

+3 solemn judgment



I have no Solemns. Thus Dark Illusion is my substitute (Negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a face-up DARK monster, and destroy that card.) I find Threatening Roar quite useful… and will I end up with 3 Icarus Attack in my main deck? And Bottomless is also helpful…

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no, 2 icarus is more than enough. im saying you should take out bottomless if you're gonna run delta crow and solemns. i find that, once you get a field full of blackwings, you're gonna need some destruction to clear for an OTK. icarus is gonna do that for ya. and if you dont have solemns, you should max out threatening roars. they stall enough time for ls to deck out or give you enough time to pull off a winning combo.

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Put in 3x Solemns and 3x Dark Brbe and thats an OK deck... :-)


I don't have that kind of money :'(

no' date=' 2 icarus is more than enough. im saying you should take out bottomless if you're gonna run delta crow and solemns. i find that, once you get a field full of blackwings, you're gonna need some destruction to clear for an OTK. icarus is gonna do that for ya. and if you dont have solemns, you should max out threatening roars. they stall enough time for ls to deck out or give you enough time to pull off a winning combo.



What about Dark Illusion?

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