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THE 8TH DWARF!!!! [discuss]

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I like how there are so many cards that have higher ATK and non-situational piercing.


Honestly' date=' gold? Unless the Infernity cards get badass support, this is just stupid.



I sure there a card that back this up maybe a union or syncho monster or possible a spell.


There isn't.


Pika, Your doing it wrong! Itz kaled LOLAXOFDISPAIRZ0RZ!1111



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This card should be banned!













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There isn't.


The A. Forces and Command Knight would like a word with you.


Granted' date=' on its lonesome, the thing's just a football to be punted, but if you pull some serious Warrior Spam lunacy you might just BARELY be able to squeak something out of him (i.e., something like what my Deck pulls off -- Inferno Reckless-ing a Command Knight would make this guy 2000 ATK).


In short . . . use it ONLY in a Warrior Deck that runs monsters and support cards out in droves and leaves you without a hand as a result (i.e., Blade Knight is a happy monster) . . . so in short, there's really only ONE type of Deck that can use this thing with any degree of force worth worrying about. So yeah, unless you're planning to (or already) [i']do so[/i], I wouldn't recommend this guy.


[spoiler=One other card that enjoys Dwarf's company]Montage Dragon. But naught beyond that, and even then 'Dragon's Rage' outclasses him. So yeah, Warriors only, please.


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