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Transformers(The Movie) Club

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Transformers Club
Favorite Transformer:
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only):
Side(Autobots or Decepticons):
Favorite Movie/series:
Favorite Human(movie or series):
Transformer you want to be:
[spoiler=Optimus Prime(Jadengt)Leader of Autobots]
Favorite Transformer:Optimus Prime
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):Optimus Prrme
Favorite Transformers Video(link only): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcQuXAf0cKc
Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobots
Favorite Movie/series: Transformers(2007)
Transformer you want to be:Optimus Prime
Favorite Human(movie or series): Sam Witwitky
Pic: [IMG]http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu326/jadengt/OptimusPrimemovie.jpg[/IMG]
[spoiler=Starscream Armada(DNovaKnight)]
Favorite Transformer: Optimus
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ymNA87LSVg I remembered when I first played this and I was like "I have to fight that!!!!"
Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobot
Favorite Movie/series: Transformers Armada
Favorite Human(movie or series): Mikaela Banes (she brings soething different to the role)
Transformer you want to be: Starscream (but I guess in my case he went good ... which he did in Armada)
Favorite Transformer: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, then Megatron
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only): Don't got one...
Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobots
Favorite Movie/series: Seems to be Transformers 1, but 2 seems epic!
Favorite Human(movie or series): Shia's char in the movie (forgot his name XD)
Transformer you want to be: Bumblebee
Favorite Transformer: Silverbolt (particularly from Beast Wars/Machines), followed by any version of Optimus
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only): not sure...
Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobots
Favorite Movie/series: Beast Wars/Beast Machines, followed by G-1 (Original), followed by the recent movie
Favorite Human(movie or series): Sam Witwiki from the movie (a very fresh take on humans is the Transformers universe)
Transformer you want to be: Silverbolt (Beast Wars)
[spoiler=Hot Shot(GiratinaZero)]
Favorite Transformer: optimus prime
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only):
Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobotz
Favorite Movie/series: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!/Animated
Favorite Human(movie or series): Commander Simmons (Government human characters rock!)
Transformer you want to be: Hot Shot
[spoiler=Megatron{Good}(Prince of Death)]
[spoiler=Blackout(ntsnts33)leader of Decepticons]
Favorite Transformer:Blackout(Helecopter)
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only):dont have one
Side(Autobots or Decepticons):Decepticons
Favorite Movie/series:transformers movie
Favorite Human(movie or series):dont have one
Transformer you want to be:Blackout(Helecopter)
[spoiler=Thundercracker(Khaos Worm)]
Favorite Transformer: Menasaw/Omega Supreme
Club Nickname(don't fill this out):
Favorite Transformers Video(link only):They're all good
Side(Autobots or Decepticons):Decepticons
Favorite Movie/series:2007
Favorite Human(movie or series):Captain whateverhisnamewas
Transformer you want to be: Thundercracker
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Username: DNovaKnight

Favorite Transformer: Optimus

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video:

I remembered when I first played this and I was like "I have to fight that!!!!"

Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobot

Favorite Movie/series: Transformers Armada

Favorite Human(movie or series): Mikaela Banes (she brings soething different to the role)

Transformer you want to be: Starscream (but I guess in my case he went good ... which he did in Armada)


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So if you want a topic here's one.


Do you think TidalWave (the aircraft carrier) will be in this movie?


There is a scene in the ocean with aircraft carriers .. so that makes me think yes. And also ... look at the scale of some of the decepticons ... Tidal wave is definitely do-able. I wonder how the small autobots will be able to keep up

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Username: Lawliet (soon to get the .::. removed...)

Favorite Transformer: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, then Megatron

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only): Don't got one...

Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobots

Favorite Movie/series: Seems to be Transformers 1, but 2 seems epic!

Favorite Human(movie or series): Shia's char in the movie (forgot his name XD)

Transformer you want to be: Bumblebee

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Favorite Transformer: Prime of course but I'll go with iron hide or ratchet if need be

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only):I dont know yet

Side(Autobots or Decepticons):autobots

Favorite Movie/series: beast wars and technically all of them but not the transformers animated series

Favorite Human(movie or series):not sure

Transformer you want to be:give me some time to look back over the beast wars series. I loved that one. I should have the answer by saturday.


EDIT: how is starscream an autobot? he hates megatron and the autobots. He is the one that brings the new bad guys to the second movie.

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Username:Ntsnts33(Soon to be Guren Champion/Master)

Favorite Transformer:Blackout(Helecopter)

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only):dont have one

Side(Autobots or Decepticons):Decepticons

Favorite Movie/series:transformers movie

Favorite Human(movie or series):dont have one

Transformer you want to be:Blackout(Helecopter)

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Username: legendhiro

Favorite Transformer: Silverbolt (particularly from Beast Wars/Machines), followed by any version of Optimus

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only): not sure...

Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobots

Favorite Movie/series: Beast Wars/Beast Machines, followed by G-1 (Original), followed by the recent movie

Favorite Human(movie or series): Sam Witwiki from the movie (a very fresh take on humans is the Transformers universe)

Transformer you want to be: Silverbolt (Beast Wars)






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Username:Kaos Worm

Favorite Transformer: Menasaw/Omega Supreme

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only):They're all good

Side(Autobots or Decepticons):Decepticons

Favorite Movie/series:2007

Favorite Human(movie or series):Captain whateverhisnamewas

Transformer you want to be: Thundercracker


And Frenzy was one of Soundwaves lot.

Along with Rumble,ravage,lazerbeak and this other one I forgot

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

I don't know as much about Transformers as I could, which is why I joined this club (to learn). Who was the guy in the preview for Transformers 2 that said "It's upgrade time!"?

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Ah. What should my official name change be? It is definately happening, though...


Lawliet, Kira, Kira's Follower, or Kira's Soldier?

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Username: GiratinaZero

Favorite Transformer: optimus prime

Club Nickname(don't fill this out):

Favorite Transformers Video(link only):

Side(Autobots or Decepticons): Autobotz

Favorite Movie/series: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!/Animated

Favorite Human(movie or series): Commander Simmons (Government human characters rock!)

Transformer you want to be: Hot Shot



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