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Glads for Regionals on June 6!!

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I don't have solemns, but hopefully my friend will let me borrow his if he doesn't use them. But yeah, getting ready for regionals. Gotta go with the glads since my cat drain idea isn't completed. Nor do I have the cards for it. So yeah. Glads




Extra Deck:

3x Herk

3x Gyzarus

Chimeratech Fortress dragon


Thought Ruler

Psychic Life Trancer

Gaia Knight

Magical Android

Black Rose Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Stardust Dragon




Test Tiger x3

Rescue Cat x2




Samnite x2

Darius x2

Laquari x3

Equeste x2





Shrink x2

Book of Moon x3

Proving Ground

Emergency Call

Cold Wave x2

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Smashing Ground




Bottomless x3

Chariot x3



Side Deck:

Jowls of Dark Demise

Rafflesia Seduction(Both are for the mirror match. They do the same thing. Jowls is just slightly better. I'm thinking of siding 2 of each.)

Dust Tornado

LIM x3

SIM x2



Cold Wave

Proving Ground

DD Crow x2

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+1 hoplomus

-1 secutor

+1 samnite

-1 fissure

+1 proving ground (if your going to run it you need 2+)

+1 Mirror Force (If you have it or wabaku also works at 3)

+1 or 2 Mind Control (also if you have it; has won me many games)

-Jowls of demise

-Rafflesia Subduction

+1 to 2 Compulsory (Side seck

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+1 hoplomus

-1 secutor

+1 samnite

-1 fissure

+1 proving ground (if your going to run it you need 2+)

+1 Mirror Force (If you have it or wabaku also works at 3)

+1 or 2 Mind Control (also if you have it; has won me many games)

-Jowls of demise

-Rafflesia Subduction

+1 to 2 Compulsory (Side seck


I'm not dropping a fissure to give myself the same problem I had in the first place. Only problem I've come across plaing with glads is that the only beatstick that they have is lacky. I've literally lost games because the monsters in my hand couldn't beat down the opponents. Not because the opponent had any other control over the game.


What would I neg for the other proving ground?

I don't have a mirror and waboku doesn't work anymore. New rulings and all.


Whenever I play brain or mind control I honestly Can't get rid of the monster and the next turn the player just gets back control anyway.


Do you even know what jowls does? Its a plus two in mirror match.

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3x Test Tiger

2x Samnite

2x Laquari

2x Rescue Cat

2x Darius

2x Prisma

1x Besitari

1x Retiari

1x Murmillo

1x Secutor

1x Equeste

1x Sangan


3x Cold Wave

3x Book of Moon

2x E-con

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x GB Proving Ground



3x Solemn

2x Chariot

2x BTH

1x Mirror Force


Thats my build give it a try, its been getting nothing but second and up since i made it. BTW are you talking about Regionalz RI. Oh and 3rd Chariot and Hippo should be in side

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yeah jowls is good against other gb decks but, usually at regionals well the last one i went to only one of the decks i faced was gb and the rest were either lightsworn or DAD. With mind control or brain you don't need to get rid of it it just opens the field so that you can tag out. Also what is the new ruling on wabaku???

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@Cardfreak - You can't tag on waboku. I just heard about it today. It sucks now lol.



Nope not RI, SC...lol first one in SC I think. It finally came to my neck of the woods!!


I guarantee you I won't be able to get my hands on another prisma. Glads are SO popular around here. So annoying. I think there will be BW and GB at our regionals. Maybe a few LS and DAD, but Those are a joke around here. Everyone beats them. If I had 80$ I would get solemns, but I don't.

ROTA and Ecall are the same thing when all you run is prisma, lol. I do like your build though. Its epic. Its actually Its only different by 2(3 if you think ROTA and Ecall are different in terms of Prisma abuse) cards from what I would run if I had those cards.

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Well i just like ROTA over E-call since its Shiny :p. A second prisma wouldnt be that hard if you lived up this way man, its BW fever. Also im one of the lucky few that got their gb deck for Frogs and Morphtronics

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Well if you can borrow the solemns do so, shrinks arent good this format so max out E-con instead, you also want to try to run 3 cold wave because its amazing this format against everything but BW but thats when you side it out for a third chariot. Your side also needs alot of work

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