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MILLENIUM QUEST-STARTED Accepting via post/pm! New! WE NEED YOU!


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Name- Topaz

Apearance(Description)- Quite tall, about 6 foot, has short blonde hair and murky brown eyes

Age- 16

Personality- She's quite slippery, a very fast thinker, fearlessly does what she wants

Deck type- Spellcasters

Favourite card- Breaker the Magical Warrior (I would say DM but Jade's taken him, so I've gone for my second favourite)

Bio- She's been lifelong friends with Jade, and knows Jade inside out. They occasionally duel together, and they work rather well together when tag teaming.

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Name- Richard (Rick)

Apearance(Description)- Tall. Dark, tanned skin, large outgrowing hair and he always wears a headband, jeans and a casual stripey jumper with his sleeves rolled up.

Age- 17

Personality-Intelligent, confident, often cocky, sometimes a bit rude and abrupt but he always speaks his mind.

Deck type- Fire burn.

Favourite card- Lava Golem.

Bio- Richard always played duel monsters, ever since he was yuong, he sooned gained a love for his fire monsters, and has made many strategies into his main/current deck type, his burn deck, he has an older brother who he gets long with very well.


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A black hole apears in front of Jade and Topaz, and they start running towards them.

Darkness-Made Monster/ATK-500/DEF-000/LIFE-700

ooc: Life is a resourse that alive monsters live on, and battle damage is applied to that life force, not counted in duels, only Shadow Realm areas.

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Name- Daisuke Minari.

Apearance(Description)- A blonde, Yellow eyed Guy. Avarage size. He uses a Long Red coat, with 2 pockets, so he can switch between his 2 decks

Age- 16 (10/28 )

Personality- Shy, Very Shy, He is very loyal when he gets to know someone, Very Strategic.

Deck type- Ojawhat?!? - Holy cross (He will get this deck further on.. In the start, he only has ojama Deck)

Favourite card- Ojama Blue

Bio-He was born in a normal family. When he was young, he did not have many friends, since he has always been shy. This is why Daisuke Decided to star playing yu gi oh, to start socializing with people. He is very Shy, but with a great strategy with his Ojama Deck.

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IC:Kaisu finished his deck, and walked to his Duel Runner. He turned it on, and drove out of the building. As he came out, he crashed into several of the monsters, destroying them. More monsters came out of the portal, and Kaisu drifted and headed off. Now all he needed was an enemy, but he figured what the heck and activated his Duel Disk. He turned again, making sure to stay with Jade and Topaz. "Go! Elemtal Hero Sparkman!" He yelled, slapping down the card.

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*A Blonde Kid comes out of a narrow street. He was Blonde with Bright Yellow eyes. He was alone, Sorrounded By Darkness. He only Had his deck in his hand. He saw all the monsters running free, And he was afraid. he didn't know what to do.*


Blonde kid: I... This... This... I just like my dream....


*The Kid said to himself*

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