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The Knights Templar - Guardians Of The Grail

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The Knights Templar


Welcome to The Knights Templar, we talk about pretty much anything, you will have levels and you will rank up. The main idea of this club is to be Knights so you will bring criminals to justice and fight in the Crusades, which will be Role Plays by the way. The Knights Templar protected the Holy Grail so we will do the same except our Holy Grail is YCM, there will be graphic competitions and card competitions too if they are asked for. If you wish to join fill in the form below. More will be added as of completion.



Templar Grand Master (Leader) - Lord Zangetsu

Templar Paladin (Co-Leader) - SaTuRnPaLaDiN

Starter Knight - Fenrir

Paper Knight - Roxas

Starter Knight - DemonX

Starter Knight - Davok

Plastic Knight - Shadowflame

Brass Knight (Role Play Organiser) - Enrise

Starter Knight - Dire Wolf

Starter Knight - Adama.

Starter Knight - Daimyo Niyabari

Starter Knight - Force_Flex

Starter Knight - Freeshooter

Starter Knight - pitski







Why you want to join?:





You will rank up either when i decide or if you win a contest, you will also gain extra Grail points for activity, you get 1 Grail point for each post you make so when you have enough up, tell me also you can gain special awards by winning contests or being most active member, you will receive bonus's for special services.


Diamond Knight - 500 Grail points (And a special award from me).

Platinum Knight - 400 Grail points (And a special award from me).

Golden Knight - 300 Grail points (And a special award from me).

Silver Knight - 200 Grail points (And a special award from me).

Bronze Knight - 100 Grail points (And a special award from me).

Steel Knight - 60 Grail points.

Brass Knight - 50 Grail points.

Copper Knight - 40 Grail points.

Aluminium Knight - 30 Grail points.

Plastic Knight - 20 Grail points.

Paper Knight - 10 Grail points.

Starter Knight - You start at this.



[spoiler=[b]Banned List[/b]]

ZenQued - Abuse and Flaming.









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Age: VERY old (26 right now' date=' will be 27 soon)


have you lost your virginity yet?



Name: ZenQued

Age: 14

Why you want to join?: Because I heard of the Knights Templar from National Treasure. And all yall haters that was a cool movie so you can STFU kay ;D

also, I was looking for some religious controversy. No such luck xD

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Age: VERY old (26 right now' date=' will be 27 soon)


have you lost your virginity yet?



Name: ZenQued

Age: 14

Why you want to join?: Because I heard of the Knights Templar from National Treasure. And all yall haters that was a cool movie so you can STFU kay ;D

also, I was looking for some religious controversy. No such luck xD


Accepted and btw i started this club because my decendent is a Templar Commander...

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Age: VERY old (26 right now' date=' will be 27 soon)


have you lost your virginity yet?



Name: ZenQued

Age: 14

Why you want to join?: Because I heard of the Knights Templar from National Treasure. And all yall haters that was a cool movie so you can STFU kay ;D

also, I was looking for some religious controversy. No such luck xD


How cute. I'll be keeping an eye on you...

Welcome to the ranks of knighthood.

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Age: VERY old (26 right now' date=' will be 27 soon)


have you lost your virginity yet?



Name: ZenQued

Age: 14

Why you want to join?: Because I heard of the Knights Templar from National Treasure. And all yall haters that was a cool movie so you can STFU kay ;D

also, I was looking for some religious controversy. No such luck xD


Hey, you make banners? Care to make one for this club..You'll receive a special award....

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Age: VERY old (26 right now' date=' will be 27 soon)


have you lost your virginity yet?



Name: ZenQued

Age: 14

Why you want to join?: Because I heard of the Knights Templar from National Treasure. And all yall haters that was a cool movie so you can STFU kay ;D

also, I was looking for some religious controversy. No such luck xD


How cute. I'll be keeping an eye on you...

Welcome to the ranks of knighthood.

The question is, how successful have you been on your "quests" ;D

or are you back on YCM for a new sword :P


also, I may take a shot at the banner soon

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All right. Fenrir wishes to join our club! =D


Welcome to the knighthood' date=' my brother. We shall live and die by the sword.


@ZenQuad - Watch it, would you? That's not how a noble and honorable knight should conduct himself/herself.


And that is not how a noble and honorable knight would spell my name.

Of course, I get the feeling neither of us has earned our "knighthood" yet ;D

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All right. Fenrir wishes to join our club! =D


Welcome to the knighthood' date=' my brother. We shall live and die by the sword.


@ZenQuad - Watch it, would you? That's not how a noble and honorable knight should conduct himself/herself.


And that is not how a noble and honorable knight would spell my name.

Of course, I get the feeling neither of us has earned our "knighthood" yet ;D


Doesn't matter. Time to knock off the shenanigans and get back to the ordeal at hand - recruitment, banner, and events. (Would be better if Lord Zangetsu were here for this).


Got an idea. We could all make 'profile cards' of ourselves as our knight counterparts and share them in the club thread. It's a thought and could be neat to put in our sigs to promote the club in addition to a banner. I say we put it to a vote.

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ZenQued, hold your tongue and leave Saturn alone. I see no reason why his sexual activity is any of your business.


Name: Cecil Harvey

Age: 15

Why you want to join?: If I didn't, I would be spamming pretty much. You also seem to be rather intelligent, since most Level 1 users on this site usually aren't. Besides, Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV is a Paladin later on in the game.

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ZenQued' date=' hold your tongue and leave Saturn alone. I see no reason why his lack of sexual activity at age 26 is any of your business.


Name: Cecil Harvey

Age: 15

Why you want to join?: If I didn't, I would be spamming pretty much. You also seem to be rather intelligent, since most Level 1 users on this site usually aren't. Besides, Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV [i']is[/i] a Paladin later on in the game.


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ZenQued' date=' hold your tongue and leave Saturn alone. I see no reason why his lack of sexual activity at age 26 is any of your business.


Name: Cecil Harvey

Age: 15

Why you want to join?: If I didn't, I would be spamming pretty much. You also seem to be rather intelligent, since most Level 1 users on this site usually aren't. Besides, Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV [i']is[/i] a Paladin later on in the game.



ZenQuen, this is your last warning. If you do not drop the subject, you will be removed from this club and reported. Knock it off. This goes for everybody else as well. Such conduct will not be tolerated in this club.


Welcome to the knighthood, Cecil Harvey/Roxas. Glad to have you aboard.

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I'd suggest kicking him out right away. He's obviously not going to learn' date=' and he does have a tainted record to begin with.



So I've seen. I will consult with Lord Zangetsu about this and let him decide the best course of action. Whatever the outcome, he is still on very thin ice right now.


Name: DemonX

Age: 16 almost 17

Why you want to join?: I think that The Knights Templar are so cool plus I read about in History books


Welcome to the knighthood, DemonX. Glad to have you amongst the brothers in arms.

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ZenQued - Please leave the club and don't come back if you can Flame and give Abuse to other members you are not right for this club there are plenty of other clubs for you to spread your virus in Goodbye...


Cecil - Upgraded to Paper Knight for services to the Templar.

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