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Question' date=' do you have Spirit Barrier and/or Mist body? If so, you might need that so you can protect your Life Points and/or use it on Vampire Lord. If you use Mist body on Vampire Lord, then he can remain in play and destroy cards from your opponent's deck. That's what I use for Vampire Lady.



Thanks Cap'N Fail! You've prolonged victory for us yet again! Tune in next time to see if he actually gives a useful comment!



Dun dun dun!

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Question' date=' do you have Spirit Barrier and/or Mist body? If so, you might need that so you can protect your Life Points and/or use it on Vampire Lord. If you use Mist body on Vampire Lord, then he can remain in play and destroy cards from your opponent's deck. That's what I use for Vampire Lady.





1/2 On topic: Vampires are bad. Wherewolves are way better :P

On topic : Very bad trap line-up. Every trap here excluding the bribes and mirror force is bad. You should've followed akira's advice >.>

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Question' date=' do you have Spirit Barrier and/or Mist body? If so, you might need that so you can protect your Life Points and/or use it on Vampire Lord. If you use Mist body on Vampire Lord, then he can remain in play and destroy cards from your opponent's deck. That's what I use for Vampire Lady.



Thanks Cap'N Fail! You've prolonged victory for us yet again! Tune in next time to see if he actually gives a useful comment!



Dun dun dun!


You don't have to be crass about it, I won a couple of duels with that strategy... I was only trying to help...

Question' date=' do you have Spirit Barrier and/or Mist body? If so, you might need that so you can protect your Life Points and/or use it on Vampire Lord. If you use Mist body on Vampire Lord, then he can remain in play and destroy cards from your opponent's deck. That's what I use for Vampire Lady.





1/2 On topic: Vampires are bad. Wherewolves are way better :P

On topic : Very bad trap line-up. Every trap here excluding the bribes and mirror force is bad. You should've followed akira's advice >.>


Hey, cut me some slack, I was trying to help...

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