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sonic club

fire dud

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Your Leon Draconus was good



were knuckles was alright



Demon knuckles awesome



P.s the winner shall be PM that they won not posted


If anyone eels wants to participate say so I will get all the pictures tell me if who's is who's kk



Knuckles should have been made a different color than pink in super form (probably revenge from being so angry all the time lol)


Edit: to make this less confusing for me could you guys pm me your FINAL!! pictures so I know who's is who's THX =)

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LOL I cant say or That kinda is cheating lolzz p.s no pressure but the contest ends in two days



P.s No Re-submitting.Any one who is caught cheating will be De-ranked or given a strict



So knuckles is so cool did you guys ever hear of triple trouble where knuckles loses his knuckles and dread locks he was ******(Angry)

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