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The road to Wrestelmania | The Bigest WWE RP ever! |<Started>| Accepting Via: PM


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(Okay, totally pointless, and once again Auto Hits. I could have moved away from the slime. making the other stuff pointless. :P)


Tris got away from the slime, hose and fan, but got hit hard in the stomach, as she dropped the kendo stick. She grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it at Alex's face. And then she put on some brass knuckles.

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Kylarnatia watched, he then rolled his eyes and kicked Tris in the stomach out of total suprise. He then lifted her up and spinebusted her into the GM's Desk, he then looked over her and said, "Im going to be the new Intercontinentel Champion!" and walked out of the room.


--- Don't say you missed that, because you or nobody could see that coming, its only fair.

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(Kylarnatian should stay the hell out of the match. And yes I can say it missed. For all you know, she could have gotten hit with the kick, and monkey flipped out of the spinebuster. Stop auto hitting it ticks me and most other people off when they are auto hit. So you know what I'll take the kick, but as this is between me and Alex's characters, I'm not taking the spinebuster. And kindly stay out of the match for a while.)


Tris got hit hard in the stomach, but when she was almost hit with the spine buster, she rolled over Kylar's shoulder just the right way for an escape. She could have turned it into a full sunset flip, but Kylar wasn't in the match. She slipped behind a couch where she grabbed a weapon she had hidden there. She grabbed the guitar and walked up behind Kylar and swung it at his head.

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"I think the real question' date=' is.....would you like the honors?" she asked offering the kendo stick.



Havic's evil smile grew as he heard the good news. Havic took the Kendo stick from Tris and threw it at the ring o get everyone's attention.

Havic*I would just like to welcom the new member of Revolution TRIS!...

"I think the real question' date=' is.....would you like the honors?" she asked offering the kendo stick.



ooc: LOL I forgot who are you fighting?

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(Alex, and Kylar entered himself in match too.)

"Yes, that's right, I Tris, Queen of Pain am in Revolution. In a war like this, I decided to join the army with the power, and an army I trust to get gold. Revolution will be unstopable. Now as for Alex, you seem to like weapons, so I'll show you my favourite upclose and personal." she stated grabbing a barbed wire bat, and lighting it on fire.

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