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Just Something New-Mist Valley

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mist valley cards r not out yet so if you want too check them out just search them up or click the link in my deck advice forum its #57


Extra deck:6

3Mist Wurm

3Thunder Lord of Mist Valley



3Falcon of Mist Valley

3Executioner of Mist Valley

2Mist Valley Bird of Prey

1Shaman of Mist Valley

3Soldier of Mist Valley

2Thunder Bird of Mist Valley

3Wind User of Mist Valley

2Strange Bird of Mist Valley

2Mist Condor


1Monster Reborn

1Pot of Avarice

1Heavy Storm

1Giant Trunade

1Card Destruction



3Icarus Attack

3Dark Bribe



Could not think of anything at the moment, I just posted this because haven’t seen anyone post Mist Valley deck so I wanted to see if this would inspire anyone to try making one themselves.

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