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PikaPerson01 is wrong.

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Lol. You claim someone sucks at the game, yet you seem to think a Light and Darkness Dragon wouldn't negate the effect of Armory Arm, or the effect of the tuner being revived.


Even if the claim was to equip LaDD with Armory Arm to keep on negating, you'd still be wrong since LaDD has to decrease it's attack AND defense, while the handy right arm only increases attack.


And even if it increased attack AND defense, the Flame Wingman-like effect would be negated.


Jurassic was stating Armory Arm as a good Synchro Monster to Summon with Fishborg Gunner; you misinterpreted.


I didn't see anything in his post that even suggested using Armory Arm with LaDD.


P.S.: Darth Browarod sucks at making fair decisions.

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