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Cyber-Hero Beatdown!!


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Here's my first try on a deck like this.



Twin Cyber Dragon

Chimeratech Overdragon

Plasma Vice

Wild Wingman



Necroid Shaman





Marauding Captain x2

Proto-Cyber Dragon x2

Cyber Dragon

Clayman x2

Bubbleman x2

Cyber Barrier Dragon

Avian x2

Sparkman x2

Wildheart x2


Snipe Hunter


Cyber Phoenix

Cyber Ogre x2





Righteous Justice

Poly x2

Lightning Vortex

Miracle Fusion

Emergancy Call

Lightning Blade

Future Fusion

Limiter Removal




Draining Shield

Mirror Force

Threatening Roar

Magic Jammer

Skull Dice

Attack Reflector Unit

Hero Counterattack

Sakuretsu Armor


Advice/suggestions please.

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I like how Burstinatrix doesn't do anything for this deck and its the first monster he put in.


i think she's needed to summon electrum but that's beside the point...


this deck seriously blows, idk how to fix this to be completely honest, cyber barrier dragon? Avian?! POLYMER?! start over, pick either heros or cryber monsters and go from there, these 2 shouldn't be put together in my opinion

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what made you think of putting cyber dragons and heros together?

Its an utterly wild combo!


Cyber Dragon is fine here. His other choices are bad though.


^ n00b shouldn't be talking. I wanted a Cyber Dragon deck' date=' it's just that I don't have enough cards for one. I put in all the Cyber Dragon cards I had.



Look who's talking. Besides, the only good one here is Cyber Dragon, dump the other "Cyber" monsters from this deck.

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^ n00b shouldn't be talking. I wanted a Cyber Dragon deck' date=' it's just that I don't have enough cards for one. I put in all the Cyber Dragon cards I had.



dude, you got two stars, you really shouldn't be sayin that, if you want a cyber dragon deck then go buy the zane duelist packs, all the cyber dragon cards you'll need, plus the cyberdarks too, just don't throw together cyber dragon and heros, zane and jaden are ok seprate but together...........no

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Arm' date=' I need Burstinitrix for Electrum. Do you think I should take out Electrum?



Electrum isnt worth the effort. Since his effect is only for lolATK, and just that. Whare as others like Shining Flare Wingman, have a better effect. Since Shining also has an LOLATK effect, but doesnt require monster to be on the field, plus, he can deal more damage.


Also, No, You dont keep Burst, since you can just do Sparkman + Earth Hex = Shining Flare

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