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Wait, wait, wait... Chex this out

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^that wouldve screwed teledad.


You know they can OTK when they summon DAD and destroy your world >.>


For the other cards:

Orichalcos Shunoros sucks. You opponent can destroy it even with gadgets >.> Summon only one monster and charge!

Eatos .. mhm. It turns a pernament LolATK equip into a temporary lolATK, but the Special Summon effect is very good in Macro decks.

Neosphere is .... well easily summonable beatstick (4k ATK o.O), but it's a -1 thats only summonable in your opponent's turn.

Clear World is stronger against weaker attributes.

Vice Dragon is meh. 0 ATK makes him very vulnerable so it's 1 hit and bye.

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Shunoros is a machine now? God, it is so friggin sad what they did to him, but, Eatos is nice with her summon power, Neo-sphere is well, kinda decent, if your opponent isn't expecting it. The pay effect on Clear World kinda hurts it when it's dark effect was dumbed down. If you can prevent Clear Vice from being destroyed, he could be a nasty card, at least you can mystic him out...oh wait, they made his ATK ?, nevermind. In all, Eatos all the way

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