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Master of Dragon Soldier

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I think it's sexy.


Instant fusion -> Blue Eyes Ulti -> Black Luster in hand -> Poly -> THis WOOH!


Umm' date=' you might want to rethink that...


...because what you just posted there makes you look like an idiot


I think it's sexy.


Instant fusion -> Blue Eyes Ulti -> Black Luster in hand -> Poly -> THis WOOH!


Instant Fusion + Light Hex Sealed Fusion = even better



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This card is popular in a certain culture because it was used in the anime. This culture also happens to live in the magical labyrinth with the battle steer because they're non-existant creatures of myth. You're better of Futuring FGD and tossing 3 blue-eyes and two dragons, and even if you happen to have dragon's mirror in your hand, you're still better off using the monsters to plonk down another FGD.

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But it's Blue-Eyes and Black Luster Soldier! This card is only shy of meta because of it's seemingly tough conditions, but you can just bring out BEUD with Instant Fusion and then Poly with Black Luster Soldier! It's also a great card because Kaiba used it!


Plus, it's Black Luster Soldier riding a freaking BEUD!


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I had a fun Deck about this guy, its not so hard to summon but it certainly is not meta.


Black Luster Soldier x3

King of the Swamp x3

Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands x3

Polymerization, Future Fusion & Dragon's Mirror as the Spells and an occasional Black Luster Ritual.

And the rest of the support can change but has to be about helping the above cards without wasting too much card advantage.

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  • 1 month later...

[/size]:P Simply

Pot of Greed-> Poly (3 Blue-eyes) -> Poly

(Blue-eyes U + Black luster soldier) -> Use the spare card make it

De-Fusion activate after Master Of Dragon Soldier Attacks then Attack with Blue-eyes U and Black luster soldier

Best Method Probly

On your next turn make sure you draw another poly

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