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Best non-expensive generic spell or trap negation in the game?

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I tried to find generic s/t negation. However, it didn't work out very well. >.> Bribe and Solemn are both too expensive, and when I tried looking on the Wikia, I got horrible results (barring Stardust Dragon, which won't always work):


[spoiler=The Best of My Results]JudgmentofAnubisDCR-EN-ScR.jpgCursedSealoftheForbiddenSpellCP05-EN-C.pngLightandDarknessDragonYG01-EN-ScR-LE.pngSevenToolsoftheBandit5DS1-EN-C-1E.pngSpellVanishingDCR-EN-C.jpg




So, what's the best cheap s/t negation in the game?

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Guest PikaPerson01

Seven Tools.


Nothing beats chaining 7 tools to Solemn Judgment, paying only a thousand points compared to your opponents 4000.

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Magic Drain is certainly the most economical, but it has the downside of being unable to guarantee the negation of a specific Spell. You'll never lose advantage with it, but you also won't be able to stop your opponent's single winning move, as long as they have a spare Spell available.

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I think we should make a Poor Man's Almanac with the best budget cards; it'd make a good resource.


I agree on this. Not all of us spend tons of money on cardboard


I would say, Magic Drain/Magic Jammer, and for Traps, Royal Decree makes things better, but if you want to at least run traps, 7 Tools is possibly your best bet

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I think we should make a Poor Man's Almanac with the best budget cards; it'd make a good resource.


I agree on this. Not all of us spend tons of money on cardboard


I would say' date=' Magic Drain/Magic Jammer, and for Traps, Royal Decree makes things better, but if you want to at least run traps, 7 Tools is possibly your best bet



I ought to run up some polls tomorrow.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Seven Tools.


Nothing beats chaining 7 tools to Solemn Judgment' date=' paying only a thousand points compared to your opponents 4000.



Traps aren't really played much.


But the most game breaking cards in the game are traps. (Crush, Mirror Force, Torrential, Solemn)

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Either way, it looks like this:

> Good card negator=/=Inexpensive card <

I think that Magic Drain isn't that bad though. I run Dark Illusion in my BW deck because I can't afford Solemns and it's an ok substitute. for now at least....

Stardust is a given though. I got 2 of my Stardusts for $5 together.

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