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im makeing an evo of ditto here soon!!

and im going to make 1 more evo of Eevee' date=' should it be insecteon(bug) or dusteon(rock)

??? ill just start makeing something, and wichever one it starts to like like first, ill make!



I'd like to do Ditto as well..... Do you think like we can figure something out?

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.... ive gone and done it agian, i cant stop, this time.. i made my version of a pre evolved herracross, i call it heratot, here it is:


Pokemon Sprite: heratot.png

Name: herabeet

Pokedex #: 570

Type: Bug

Species: beetle

Pokedex Entry: this rare baby form of heracross was discovered by trainer, who had stumbled across a heracross nest. it is unknown as to why a bug pokemon would hide its young so well

Height: 11.3 inches

Weight: 17lbs

Ability: overgrowth


Fire x2

ice x2

flying x2

dragon x2


water x1/2

bug x1/2

Immunities: none

Level Moves:

lv- sratch, tackle

lv5- horn attack

lv10- pioson sing

lv18- horn smash

lv30- slash

lv45- skull bash

lv60- takedown

TM/HM Moves:

bug and grass type moves

Evolution Line: herabeet -lv25- heracross


hahahahahaha, that makes 4! (im not counting my first few, just my good ones)


EDIT: if the poke sprit does not apear refreash the page, i forgot to put it there the first time


and for the ditto thing, NO THANK YOU!, that looks no were near like what i had in mind, im still makeing mine, one that doesnt look like lickilicky!

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