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Monsters -18-

3 Substitoad

3 Mother Grizzly

3 Dupe Frog

3 Submarine Frog

3 Unifrog

2 Junk Synchron

1 Flip Flop Frog


Spells -15-

3 Wetlands

3 Book of Moon

2 One for One

1 Terraforming

1 Des Croaking

1 United We Stand

1 Level Limit - Area B

1 Reborn

1 Trunade



Traps -7-

3 Roar

3 Graceful Revival

1 Gravity Bind


Total: 40


Extra Deck -15-

For now, the generic 13 with 2 Junk Warrior.


I have no idea what I'm doing. Someone please help.

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lol, silly boy, frogs don't moo!


they crow, everyone knows that XD


as for the deck, u have a extra deck? if not i would put some synchros in there or something, u have a tuner in there so u may as well, other then that i can't really say anything else, i never ran frogs before

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-2TADPOLE/Junk Synchron if you think you can.




-Book and -Des Croaking






Plus I've come up with some stuff, Wetlands+Jam Breeding Machine means a free 1700 ATK monster every turn.


Witch Doctor of Sparta and Subsitoad would make for big damage and Exodiois puts you in the relms of an OTK. If not Exodius then Pot of Avarice, then you'd get two more cards in your hand as well.

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-2TADPOLE/Junk Synchron if you think you can.




-Book and -Des Croaking






Plus I've come up with some stuff' date=' Wetlands+Jam Breeding Machine means a free 1700 ATK monster every turn.


Witch Doctor of Sparta and Subsitoad would make for big damage and Exodiois puts you in the relms of an OTK. If not Exodius then Pot of Avarice, then you'd get two more cards in your hand as well.



Witch Doctor/Substiburn is a deck in and of itself. I'm not using it here. Jam Machine might be nice somewhere else, but I wanna be able to summon stuff other than tokens (and yes, setting monsters IS too slow).


However, I will do this.



-1 Des Frog


+3 Grizzly

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