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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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"Do you think you'll convince anyone if you walk in without a scratch!?" Everyone thought about it for a moment before they realized what she had meant. It would be unusualy if they were "captured" and didn't show any signs of having fought Sonya. Domo looked at everyone, "She makes sense."


Meanwhile . . .


"You know we can do this one of two ways," Katie walked next to Cali and leaned against the wall beside her supposed enemy, "I wont kill you if you agree to join the Black Fang."

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Sonya gets up and grabs her blade fans, and in the blink of an eye a small trickle of blood appears on Necron's cheek. "I thought it was obvious."


Sonya reopens the fans and gets a cruel smile on her face, "So who's first?" she asks with delight.


Meanwhile . . .


Katie looks over to Cali and gets a smile on her face, as if Cali had just played into her hand, "Well you don't want that boy you like so much to die, do you? He's outside my 'house' right now- it'd be quick and easy." Katie snaps her finger, when she does an oil lamp above head explodes, "Just like that."

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Sonya smiles as she raises the fans above her head. "Dance of Blades!" Sonya calls out as she brings the weapons down. To Grim it feels like hundreds upon thousands of tiny invisible daggers are slashing all over his body. Blood slowly begins to ooze out of the cuts as Sonya closes her fans. She then spins around, tripping Grim and then launces herself into the air. With a kick Sonya lands on Grim's ribs hard enough to make him gasp. Hopping off she takes her fans back out "OK- Who's next?"


Meanwhile . . .


Katie shakes her head and hides a laugh, "You are dim witted. I just said that."

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Sonya just smiles back at Necron all the while thinking chicken. She then turns to the others and opens her fans, "So if not Necorn, then who is next?"


Meanwhile . . .


Katie stops laughing and get serious once more. Glaring at Cali she lifts her up and smashes her through the wall, leading into an open cort.


"You need to learn who you are talking to! And I'm just the one to beat it into you!" Katie yelled as she stepped over the jagged boards made when Cali crashed through the wall.

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"Hm, maybe it's just me then." Awai said looking around the room and the damage Katie was creating. He gave a look that said "what a shame" to the whole scene and he made his exit, closing the door behind him. Awai couldn't let the feeling go and decided that he'd stand guard at the main front of the base.




"How many of them are there again? And what sort of abilities do they offer that we should be aware of. Forgive us for being unupdated having been away for so long we have no idea how the black fang has grown in power or about anything else that would have happened." Merz said as he looked over to Sykes who was standing by a tree merely nodding his head to Merz' thoughts.

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"Alright then, things have changed quite a bit since we last tangled with the black fang." Merz said, Sykes walking up behind Merz and then coughing. "Yes, the black fang were pretty weak when I fought them..." Sykes said and Merz looked at him apathetically. "Did you even fight them once." Sykes smiled. "I have absolutely no idea!"

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Sonya smiled and continued to walk. As she neared the gate her "prisoners" became increasingly nervious as the doorway grew larger and larger. Finally they reached the entrance and a guard called down from the top of a corner post, "Who goes there!?"


Sonya stepped forward and answered, "I am the North General and I demand these doors be opened! I have captured new prisoners for my master!"


The guard vanished and for a few minutes there was no response. Finally the group heard the sound of clanking hinges and bolts being loosened from their holsters. Then the enormous doorway slowly creaked open, showing the guard. Sonya looked back with an evil smile (weither this is a fake smile or not is up for debate) and yanks them into the compound. With the slam of the door the "captured" now its all or nothing- life or death- escape or be true captives.

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