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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Aruseus walked over to he others, he was feeling confused, so he went for awalk and had just returned. Noticing everyone rather tense he walked over to where Grim and Sonya were. He walked over, and asked Sonya ,"My lady, welcome..what is the purpose of this certainly pleasing visit?".


He then winked at Sonya, obviuslyflirting with her, yet having no idea of her enemy status.

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Sonya's eyes grew furious and before Aruseus could react he was slamemd to the ground with such force it knocked all of the wind out of him. Sonya sat on his chest, making it were he could not get up and scowled at him, "If you wish to live- then I suggest to do not flirt with an enemy."


Sonya got off of Aruseus and looked at Kotaro. "I am giving my aid because . . .", Sonya looks away from the group as she finishes her sentance, "Cali helpped me realize I am not a mere puppet."

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There was the sounds of twigs on the ground snapping and leaves being crinkled as someone or something drew closer and closer to the group. Second by second the sounds got closer and closer to the group until two men emerged from the wilderness and started approaching the group. The man on the left had a very worn brown cape on, a white shirt with black pants that were both just as worn as his cape. He had a single rapier on the left side of his belt and seem to missing his left arm. The man to the right had a long black open trench coat on, a pair of heavenly white pants and shirt that were brimmed in gold. He had icy blue eyes and seemed to be smoking a cigarette. The two approached until they couldn't approach any longer.

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"Welcome back would have been a more proper greeting for comrades you haven't seen for a long time. However, hello to you regardless." Merz said to Kotaro. "Hey Kotaro. We have a tale to tell you guys. But first, what the hell happened here and where's...uh...um..." Merz eyed him angerly. "Her names Cali, ya forgetful son of a..." Sykes gave Merz a smile and scatched the back of his head. "Sorry, some of my memories have yet to be...well remembered." Merz looked around at who was in the group. "And where is the demon I sent to aid you with my interdimensional meesage. Wes, was his name..." Merz said to Kotaro.

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Kotaro frowned when Cali's name was mentioned. But before he could tell Merz the news Sonya interrupted him. Eyeing both of them she had her hand on her weapons, due to the fact she had no information on these two and did not know if they would lash out at her.


"The one known as Wes is dead, or transformed- along with his other spirits. As for the girl- we have kidnapped her so Katie can extract the last remaining bits of Posiedon's power."

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Tarr awoke form her dazes and shock her head to get her self out of it. She hired two voices that where somewhat familiar. As she walked up to Kotaro she saw who it was and the first thing came to mind was..."I thought you guys where dead!?!?" She gowned as she started to rubbed the back of her head in pain form the hit she took. Hard headed dose not necessarily mean that.

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"Not at all my friend. When we were sent through that portal I was sent to a universe called Gamaz and he was sent to the Belez universe." Sykes nodded his head and went to interrupt Merz. "While there my rather insane side destroyed that universe and then two more after it. It wasn't until the fourth world that he was destroyed he encountered someone. A female sage named Yulesca, needless to say as soon as he saw her he made it a direct instinct to kill her. However, she had a gift. The power to take my insane side out of my body completely and place it into a magically lined bottle in which he could never escape. The sage now possess that bottle and is far away from this dimension." Sykes said and then Merz took over again.


"Yes, while in my dimension I had no way of finding Sykes or even knowing what dimension he was in. That is when I went to the main place of rule in this dimension and when there it turned out that they had a mystic who could locate someone in any other realm. Naturally I took the chance and he teleported me to where Sykes was. After regaining my lost comrade and staying there for a few days the same sage that captured the other Sykes sent us back here, in which we arrived two days ago." Merz finished his explination.

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Tarr sat next to Kotaro blanked eyed. Their story was somewhat confusing and relatively unrealistic but yet it seemed to fit together. As Tarr tried to say something she just closed her mouth and sat there wondering trying to understand there story. But in the end she just gave it up with the wondering how the whole thing fit together. "Well at least you here and thats what counts..." She paused "I think."

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Sonya begins to laugh as everyone welcomes back Sykes and Merz. Looking over his shoulder Kotaro scowls and demands to know what she thinks is so funny. Wipping a tear from her eye Sonya gets an evil look and responds, "Don't you think you all are waisting too much time? Have you already forgotten about Cali!?"

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Kotaro nods his head as he attempts to get up. But teh second he puts any pressure on his right leg he topples over in pain. "Ah! My leg . . ."


Kotaro looks down at it, seeing it twice as big as the other one and sighs, he knows he can't go anywhere with it now. Looking at those waiting on his me states that he will watch over everyone who can't leave and the rest should go on without them. That makes Grim, Sykes, Merz, Tarr and Sonya the rescue squad.

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Kotaro looks over to Domo, who was awake, but looked like he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "I think we sh-"


"Don't you dare say 'leave him behind' because I'll crawl after everyone if I have too!"


Sonya grins at Domo, weither it is his stupidity or his bravery is unknow. Walking over to him she grabs him the wrists and slings him over her shouders like you would a big sack of potatoes. Domo blinked twice before quietly thanking her. "Shut it or I'll drop you right now . . ."

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Aruseus, who had been in pain from Sonya's "attack", dashed with all of his speed towards them, before they got too far.


When he caught up, he teasingly told Sonya as he breathed heavily from exhaustion. "My lady, did you honestly think you'd get rid of me so easily?", and chuckled lightly.

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