Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 With all of her might Tarr was able to pry the dagger out of Kotaro's back. But as soon as she had wrenched the blade from her lover's back had she lost her balance and fell off. Getting up Tarr rubbed her head and looked at the unconcious wolf demon. As she starred at his face Kotaro's eyes opened quickly and he began to rise up out of the hole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 "Damn. They can never make this easy." Tarr got the dagger that fell besides her and griped it as hard as she could making sure that she won't drop it. She faced Kotaro and started to braes her self. "I don't want to do this but I have to." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 For a minute Kotaro's eyes returned to normal. Seeing the eyes of the real Kotaro froze Tarr for what felt like an hour. But soon the eyes transformed back into the blazing red demon eyes and Kotaro grabbed her throat and began to choke her, laughing as he did so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Yugondo ran up the wall of the dried out lake and as soon as he got to the edge of it he jumped, landing only thirty meters from Kotaro. "I will put all my might into this next restraint, you shall not hurt my master or his comrades any longer." Yugondo charged a black orb of energy and then slammed it into the ground. Suddenly chains started covering Kotaro's arms, legs and chest until he was restrained into the air and hanging like a captured animal would. Yugondo then folded his hands togethor and the chains started to give off a black energy, he was putting all his strength and will into holding Kotaro for even one or two minutes. Trying to give Tarr enough time to get him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Kotaro struggled in midair as the chains held him up. His mouth had been wrapped completely and now only garbbled grunts and snarls came out, instead of the full on roars of hatred and rage. He kicked his feet as Yugondo pulled him closer to the ground so that Tarr could do what needed to be done. Eventually Kotaro had used up most of his energy and hanged there like the trapped animal he had become . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 As Yugondo kept Kotaro still and open Tarr ran up to him and took the shot. With dagger in hand Tarr stabbed the mass of dark energy that was Kotaro strait in the hart. As she did she prayed over and over, hoping this was not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 As the blade went into his chest Kotaro's eyes opened wide in a grimace of pain. A whimper, like that a dog would make when he was kicked by his master, sprouted from Kotaro as he blade finished sinking in and now held in place. Soon his eyes changed back to normal and Tarr could see the sadness in them as they began to open and close slowly. The shadows that had been covering his body smoldered out as his eyes closed for the final time. The chains released him as he fell to the ground, letting out a gasp as he hit, landing on his back. The dagger was still in place as everyone gathered to see. The blade had indeed pierced his heart and blood was begining to dry on the open wound. Alice, wanting to know for sure if Kotaro had not survived, knelt down hear his chest and listened for a heartbeat or breathing. A minute passed . . . nothing. And then as she went to get up Kotaro coughed and gasped for air, scarring Alice enough that she jumped back and yelled. Opening his eyes Kotaro looked up at the faces watching him, "I'm not . . . dead?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Cali begins to heal Kotaro's wound. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Tarr jumps literally on to Kotaro. Tarr brayed her head in to Kotaro's chest crying her eyes out. "Thanks you... Your alive, your alive!!" Tarr just kept him by her side over joyed that in fact it worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Kotaro cries out in pain as the wound begins to heal and as Tarr jumps into his lap. He lets out a laugh, "I guess not . . . seeing as I can still feel pain."Â He takes Tarr in his arms and puts her by his side. He then smiles and points to his chest, showing that the dagger is still there. Seeing her embaressed look only brings him more joy as he takes a firm grip on it. "Let me remove this before the wounds healed around it and I'll have to walk around with it for the rest of my-" Kotaro yanks the blade out, causing more bleeding and him to yell as the fresh wave of pain coarses through him, "life. Well thats over . . ." Kotaro said as he tossed the weapon over his shoulder. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Yugondo, having used out all his power and the body with it, started turning into particles of energy. "Vayne..." Yugondo said and then Vayne took a weird contraption out of his beg and stood it up. "Understood..." Vayne said with a slight tear in his eye as the machine activated. The six forms of the body now appeared as holligrams to the group of adventurers. "We can defend you no longer, our body is used and cannot contain us." Yugondo said as he walked towards the machine and disappeared after he touched it. "We'll always be friends though at least..." Wes said as he touched the machine and disappeared himself. "This sucks man, I barely got to fight with these people!" Wesfield yeld as he also touched the machine. "Don't worry, the darkness will always be in your hearts..." Yokoshima said as he disappeared into the weird machine. "Ya'll take care now and don't you die!" Jisan said, disappearing into the machine after. "Tarr..." Tsukaeru said to get her attention for a moment. "Sorry for losing you to Erik back then..." He said, gave her a smirk and then went into the machine himself. Â Six hand sized crystal orbs fell out of the machine in six different colors. Clear for Wes, Navy for Wesfield, Green for Tsukaeru, Black for Yokoshima, Red for Jisan, and then White for Yugondo. Vayne collected to orbs and then packed them in his bag. "Their gone...forever will they be these orbs..." Vayne announced to the group and all fell silent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Grim looks over Kotaro and says "so is the beast gone for good?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Kotaro patts his chest, where a now giant scar had been created. He looks up at Grim and nods his head, "I believe so or, in my opinion, its been sealed up."Â Alice walks up behind Kotaro and then smacks him on the back of the head, "THAT was for scarring me!" She screamed as she got eye level with him and embraced him in a hug. Kotaro, stunned at first, smiled and patted Alice to calm her down, as she was now completley crying. "Hey now Alice, this is something new. I've never seen you cry before."Â Domo, who had been watching from the background, only smiled and did not make a motion to go near the others. He himself was glad that Kotaro had returned to normal, but didn't want them to know that he had pocketed the dagger Tarr had brought with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Inaba walks up to the group, looks at Kotaro and says "looks like you need new cloths wolf boy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Kotaro looks down at what he was wearing and laughed. His shirt was charred and burnt to a crisp. His pants had been ripped and now was coverd in holes. He looked up at Inaba and grinned, "I think it looks more rugged."Â Kotaro got up and walked over to Vayne, who had yet to leave with the crystals that now housed the spirits. "So where will you go now?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Vayne give's a sigh to Kotaro and then turned to him. "I'm going back to my lab, I need to make some analysis on these orbs to see if I can...well just know that I'm leaving." Vayne said as he waited for the group to acknowledge his absence and hoped they'd hurry cause he wanted to leave right away... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Grim looks at Vayne and says "then I guess we won't see you again will we?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Alice walked up to Vayne and gave him a hug as he was about to leave. Domo waved good-bye from his spot under one of the few remaining trees as Kotaro shook Vayne's hand. "I hope you have a safe trip and that we see you again wehn this is all over."Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Tarr got up as soon as Kotaro did. Saved one lost one... "Well Vayne." Tarr sighed. "Just take care of them." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Vayne bowed to everyone and bid them another good bye and then off he went, after a few minutes of them watching him walk he was out of site and they knew that he would have to be put out of mind so that they could continue their journey and focus on the enmey. But would they see Vayne or any of the spirits ever again? Only time would tell as the sun started to decend from the sky... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 OOC: is the fighting still going on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 25, 2009 Â Now with Vayne and the other five sprirts goen Kotaro looked back at the setting sun and fell on his back, letting out a sigh of relief. Everyone had a tiring day and needed to get some rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 25, 2009 Report Share Posted August 25, 2009 "Well it seems that we finally got some peace and quit." Tarr sat back under the tree. "Now me might be able to sleep." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 25, 2009 Domo was sitting in the tree above Tarr and he agreed with her. Alice, who had now transformed back, layed down next to Kotaro and watched the stars as they began to shine in the night sky. Kotaro was begining to drift in and out of sleep as everyone rested from the days event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 25, 2009 Report Share Posted August 25, 2009 Grim is looking around uneasily like he was worried about something. "Is everything all right Grim?" asks Cali. Grim replies "yeah, I'm going for a walk." as Grim walks off, Necron separates from Grim and goes to lie down by a tree. "you guys can separate now?" Inaba asks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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