Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 "Ah, doing half the work for me I see..." Yugondo said as he got into about a five hundred yard ranger of Kotaro. "Senbaku..." Yugondo was suddenly in front of Kotaro but flipped over him and onto his back. "Let's go beasty..." Yugondo said as he through and grappled chains that closed Kotaro's mouth, when he pulled back on the chain he veared Kotaro off to the right and tried to make him fall... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Tarr took a deep breath and walked to face Kotaro with dagger in hand. "Kotaro!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 With the chains now covering his mouth Kotaro could not bite at Yugondo and was now being forced to go to the right. Thrashing around he tried to get the person off his back. As he did the chains around his mouth began to smolder and melt due to the shadow flames, as the same as the parts of Yugondo's that touched Kotaro's shadow body. Stopping Kotaro thrusted forward and sent Yugondo forward, and then vanished into his very own shadow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 As Cali struggles she creates blades of water by changing the pressure, and cuts the shadows. Necrim fires a volley of energy blasts a Kotaro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 As the chains delatched from Kotaro the healed instantly and he then used the chain attacked to Necrim to steady himsel and make a landing onto the ground. "Where did he go now..." Yugondo said as he looked all around the fight scene and try to relocate Kotaro so he could restrain him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 As Yugondo, Necrim and Tarr looked for Kotaro Cali was underwater fighting for her life. To her shock as she slashed one of the shadow arms it reformed. From the corner of her eye she saw a black portal open up and Kotaro emerging from it. The demon looked over and saw Cali underwater. His head snapped over to her and she could tell he was going to go for her. With a roar he swam towards her like a torpedo. As Kotaro sped towards Cali the roar he made beforehand showed where he was to Yugondo, Necrim and Tarr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Necrim Dives instantly and stabs at Kotaro. Cali tries to freeze the Shadow arms and continues to struggle. ooc: By now most people would be running out of oxygen if they were in Cali's position. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 ooc: he's underwater and your on land o.O Yugondo ran over to the side of lake but didn't jump in he eyed the surface of the water to find the biggest shadow. He saw one that was about 1/4 the size of the lake that had to be Kotaro. Now that he knew what he was going after, he dived in right after Necrim did and gave chase to him and the beast... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Kotaro hears Necrim dive in and uses his power to push himself out of the way before being stabbed. His right arm extended as he reached for Necrim and Cali. Before his arms reached the two he heard Yugondo diving in after him. He looked up and used his aura to push himself out of the water. Now in the air Kotaro looked down and gave a mighty roar that pushed all of the water out of the lake and left all three of the people who was underwater standing in the empty lake like fish(s) out of water. As Kotaro went to land he slammed into the ground almost on top of Tarr. Getting up he breathed heavily as his mind was now half way consumed by the dark impulses that plagued his every moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Necrim slashes the shadows and pulls Cali free, then they both charge at Kotaro and slash along his sides, Necrim on Kotaro's left,and Cali on his Right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 With Kotaro so close Tarr saw this a perfect shot.Its now or never. I just hope it works. With the dagger in hand Tarr charged at him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Kotaro turned and is able to squeeze himself through as Necrim and Cali try to slash at him. However he was not aware that Tarr had made a charge for him and so did not move as the blade plunged into his back. With a scream of pain his hands traveled around his back, trying to find and retrieve the blade that was now stuck deep into his shadow body. Unfortunately for everyone the blade had been stabbed in with such force that it would not come out on its own and was out of Kotaro's reach. Realizing that he couldn't ge the blade out Kotaro turned to Tarr with glwoing red eyes, full of hate, and began to walk towards her- bent on killing. "Bird stab me . . . bird get head snapped!" Kotaro let out a roar and charged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Cali and Grim get between Kotaro and Tarr, trying to block Kotaro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 As Tarr was flanged off of Kotaro she fell flat on the ground. "Well that did not work at all." Tarr started to push her self back. Panicking in the moment she was somewhat frozen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 Kotaro watched as Grim and Cali stood between him and the harpy who had stabbed him. He growled as they did not move out of his way. Raising his hand Kotaro let out a roar and swung his fist down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 they dodge the attack, then Cali slashes at Kotaro's stomach, and Necrim stabs at Kotaro's face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 OOC: are Felixia and Inaba still talking to each other? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim the Wanderer Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 ooc: um, well we just got shoved off a cliff I think, Jake posted something a few pages ago, I'm going to say Inaba is hiding at the moment though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naimo Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 OOC: OK If Felixia hadn't managed to blow her flute in time, she would have been dead by now. As she and Snowdrop gently floated their way down to safety in a gigantic bubble, Felixia looked around for Inaba but couldn't find her. She changed her tune and they began to float around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 ooc:crap....this is what I get for going to the movies yesterday. Dante had earlier found himself a Gravesite, his powers we're only as good as the dead people around him, he could sense this area had long been a battlefield between great warriors, While the rest of the group were relaxing he had set up a ceremony of sorts, he was searching for Strong souls to accompany him. Ever since his father's death, many souls had been left on Earth, and while his abilities were limited he could still carry many souls along with him. One of his most Prominent being the Demigod Hercules, whom he saved from an eternal damnation in Purgatory by keeping him as his main weapon, Throughout his travels he had found many powerful souls though he could not always call upon them, his own body, cursed to be frail was something he frowned upon. He had many teachings from great warrior's yet without the souls of others he would be useless.As he meditated in the ground he slowly classified and viewed each souls past and inevitable end, he could view their emotions, their conditions, their every word. Only those souls he deemed justified in their death were allowed to go with him. The process took many hours, though he knew he would not be missed. If they left him, then so be it, he would find his own path. The day seemed to Drag, but he could still since his allies nearby, they seemed to still be calm, he hated peering into the souls of others, but he found it quite tempting to learn important facts they themselves may not know, most importantly, their date of Death. He did not react in anyway towards his findings but instead he kept on in his search, while the souls he absorbed were quite strong in their own right, he couldn't help but think of absorbing the souls of the others, he resented that thought but knew in his heart it was too late to take it back. The Day had nearly gone when his own power began to wane, he had opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his brow as he proceeded to his final task, the actual absorption of the souls, from his bag he took out a small flask and began an incantation."Ρωτώ από σας, το αρχέγονο χάος Θεών, με ευλογώ με τη δύναμη αυτές οι επιλεγμένες ψυχές, και σε αντάλλαγμα σας προσφέρω την αφοσίωσή μου." after he finished the bottle began glowing as he would have to remain in position for the next hour, when he had heard the battle recommence, yet he took no initiative, as he had to finish his ritual. OOC:There, that should make up for my missed day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aethercide Posted August 20, 2009 Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 OOC: I deleted my prevoius post, I didn't read the posts before it..I guess that's what you get when you study and RP at the same time...Anyways. Aruseus still felt a little tired from the last battle, and he had hidden behind a bush, to get some rest, cursing himself for his weakness, and hoping the others were alright. He was just going to come out of hiding when he saw Felixia's bubble floating around, and yelled from the top of his lungs ,"HEY...DOWN HERE!" , waving his arms as he said this. He stopped waving, and then added, "Hey you...come down everyone alright?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 Both attacks landed clean, but Cali's seemed to only cut through air. Necrim's on the other hand stabbed into Kotaro's face and stayed put. Reeling back from the pain Kotaro thrashed out and knocked them both back. Yanking the blade out of his snout Kotaro shook his head as the blood slowly dripped onto the ground. With a snarl he looked at his two downed opponents, and then heard something in the background. Turning around he saw Dante calling to Felixia who had used her powers to float herself and her horse Snowdrop around in the air. Eyes darted between Necrim and Cali, then to Felixia and Dante. Kotaro began to walk away and then heard the melody that Felixia had been playing in order to keep herself and Snowdrop afloat. This tune, while melotic to the normal being, was like no other aggervating noise you could ever imagine to Kotaro. Shaking his head in an attempt to get the sound out of his head he began to roar in annoyance. Then with a lung he was dashing full speed at Felixia and Snowdrop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 As Kotaro charged for the others Tarr saw that dagger still in his back. She needed that damn dagger. Tarr got up and forced her self to run after him even though she did not want to. As she got close enough she jumped on his back using the dagger as a holding ground. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted August 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 The force of Tarr leaping onto his back forced Kotaro to land face-first into the ground. That plus the speed that he was running made Kotaro dig a long trench in the gravel and dirt. Kotaro did not move as Tarr stood on him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Master Posted August 21, 2009 Report Share Posted August 21, 2009 A Kotaro fell face first in to the ground Tarr was all most knocked off by digging her talons in to him. "Sorry." But once she was stable she released her self and found the dagger. she garbed on to it like it was for dear life. She garbed on to it with both hands and pulled the dagger out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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