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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Felixia shrugged. "Or maybe he'll think it's a waste of energy if he does. As long as I can still draw breath and can move fast enough, serious wounds shouldn't be too much of a problem ... I think ... I've never actually been critically injured, thinking about it..."

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Felixia raised her eyebrows. "Steel fans? Sounds like a good choice of weaponry to me." She quickly coughed. "Sorry, I do love a good fight, especially if it uses the odder weapons such as fans ..." She drifted away for several seconds. "Sorry. So, steel fan you say? I think she would be easy to recognise if we ever face them again ...."

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Arethercide had came up to intorduce himself to Felixia, Alice and Inaba- obviously ignoring Domo. Alice did not like the way he carried himself so 'high and mighty' and just turned her head to him almost in disgust and said, "My name, sir, is Alice."


Domo walked up to Arethercide and looked at him with some annoyance easily seeable, "And I'm Domo. One of the longest members in this group. And you said you were the son of Ha-"


Domo stopped talking and grabbed Inaba and Felixia by the wrists. He threw them off the cliff and tackled Arethercide as Alice doved down too. Looking up at the cliff Arethercide saw that it had been completely obliterated and was nothing more than a pile of rubble. Domo got up and dusted himself off, "sorry for the rough landing. Hope you're ok."


Alice pulled Inaba up off the ground and looked at Felixia, who was unconcious. She shook her head as she lifted her over her shoulders and thought, "We found us a real hero in this one."


Looking to where the blast had originated they saw Kotaro on the ground almost in a convulsive fit. He was shaking furiously as what appeared to be black fire bursting out from all over his body. Getting up he stumbled to Grim and Cali, clutching his head as if it was going to either fall off or explode at any moment- whichever sounds more gruesome . . .


"Cali! Grim! Rrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn!!!" He shoved the pair hard enough that they were sent flying back and into the middle of the lake. falling on his knees Kotaro's body was yet again engulfed in the living black shadows that had consumed him eariler in the day. The transformation was now complete and he stood up, however unlike before he was on on two feet- as he would normally. Riasing his hands up he began to laugh insainly and then thrusted his left hand out towards the west. A black orb rapidly formed and then shot out.


Meanwhile . . .


Tarr flew as fast as she could, but each passing second the same terrible thought ran through her mind, "I hope this works . . . I just hope it dosn't work too well."


Now only a mile away from where she had lef the group Tarr's spirits began to lift up with the thought of being able to see Kotaro, transformed or not. As she began to desend Tarr heard a crackeling sound, like thunder in the distance, and looked around for lightning strikes. A sudden gust of wind pushed her aside as the clouds in front of her seperated and a black orb whizzed by, exploding about twenty feet behind her. "I don't like the feeling I'm begining to get . . ."


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"Master..." Yugondo said to Necrim as if he was asking him what he should do in this situation. "Would you like me to fight with you as well master." Yugondo said as he walked over to him and then waited for the signal that Necrim would give him. It wasn't so much that he wanted a master it was just that he had to follow certain rules...

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Kotaro let out a roar that made the earth shake and ripped huge gashes in the crust. The demonic aura that surrounded him now was so intense the feeling of it made veryone think if they had gotten too close their skin would catch on fire. The possessed Kotaro turned his red eyes to Cali, Necrim and Yugondo as they talked amoungst themselves. In a flash he had seemingly teleported amoungst the three and without ever touching them lashed out. Cali was sent down into the water and hit the bottom of the lake. Once there every shadow under the water lunged for her and held her down below the surface, not allowing her to go up for air. Necrim had been shot into the air with such force that when he opened his eyes he was high above the clouds, even high enough to spot Tarr diving below to the battlefield. Yugondo was the luckiest out of the group, if you call being slammed through every hillside and tree for two miles lucky.


Kotaro lets out a roar of pure rage and hatred as his mind began to be consumed by his demon side. hearing something behind him he quickly spun around to see Domo and Necroma standing in front of an unconcsious Felixia and a very scared Inaba. As the stand off continued Tarr was just now exiting the clouds and saw the ruined camp site that just might become everyone's grave.

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Yugondo emerged from the rubble and shook off the rubble and dust he had on him and his pants. "Damn, my heads gonna be ringing for awhile..." Yugonod saw Tarr in the air and thought that she probably had something that'd cure Kotaro. "If I can just latch on to him and restrain him until Tarr can do what she needs to do..." Yugondo said as he sighed and then got ready to act. He ran as fast as he could, seeming to be trying to close a certain distance before attacking.

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Kotaro was still starring down Domo and Necroma as they protected Inaba and Felixia. Getting annoyed that his opponent's would not make a move Kotaro let out a powerful roar that sent both of them flying into the rubble. Domo hit so hard that a loud snap could he heard mixed in with his gasp of pain. Falling to the ground Domo tried to move, but found that he had lost all sense of feeling. Necroma was fast enough to land on her feet and then skidded before transforming back into Alice and hit her head on a boulder, quickly knocking her out.


Kotaro turned to see Yugondo running towards him and growled in delight. He dashed towards Yugondo with his claws extended to its full extent. Lowering his hand to the ground his claws began to blast rock and debree all around the battlefield.

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