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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Felixia shook her head again. "The stables were tightly enclosed, they didn't have any windows. I used this flute to heal Snowdrop, and I guess - I'm not too sure - I could have accidently created some sort of forcefield around the stable that kept the Black Fang out. It would explain why the door was jammed when I tried to get out."

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"Or something could have anonymously helped me, but that doesn't sound too right," suggested Felixia. "By the time I could get out, everyone was already gone and Snowdrop was still not fully recovered, otherwise I would have chased after and rejoined the group earlier."

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"I hope so. I didn't abandon my life just to be treated like a servent," agreed Felixia. "Actually on second thoughts, I didn't voluntarily join this lot ... that woman summoned me and three others..." She thought back to the accident and wondered how it could feel so long ago.

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As Cali quickly pulls out a blanket and covers Kotaro he groans as his head begins to stop swimming. Getting on his knees he wipes his eyes free of dirt and debree and with a loud groan he stood up. Realizing he was unclothed he quickly grabbed the blanket and fashioned it around his waist like a toga. Looking around him he saw that the landscape had been completely demolished. It didn't take him too long to figure out he was the cause of it.


Meanwhile . . .


Tarr screamed and pleaded with the mother of all monsters to help out Kotaro, but for some reason it didn't seem to work. Tarr sighed "Please if you help him I'll be in your dept." Those words stopped the mother of all monsters in her tracks. The huge eyes looked down on Tarr with questioning eyes and then raised a massive eyebrow. "In my debt? Are you . . . willing to do . . . that for my . . . grandson?"


In Other Places . . .


As Inaba and Felixia spoke Domo and Necroma landed near them, causing Snowdrop to rear up for a minute and then stop. Domo hopped off of Necroma as she transformed back into her human form. Now Alice she turned to Felixia and spoke, "So you are one of the people summoned by mistake by Katie?"

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The sound of clinging chains could easily be heard in the area, probably making more of scene then Yugondo wanted. He gave off a sigh to the chains as he really didn't want to have to introduce himself to someone he would have to kill. "Hello." Yugondo said to Kotaro. "My name is Yugondo, and your's is Kotaro, introductions over." It's not that he didn't like Kotaro he just didn't want even the slightest relationship with him as of yet...

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Kotaro had his head down as Yugondo intorduced himself. An impulse shot throughout Kotaro's body as he neared the man. Almost on instinct he shot his hand out and grabbed Yugondo by the throat and began to choke him. His eyes were black and he had a wicked grin on his face as Yugondo began to cough and stop breathing. Shaking his head Kotaro's eyes returned to normal and he dropped Yugondo and took a step back. Raising his now shaking hands to his face, "Its happening . . . isn't it."


Meanwhile . . .


Alice and Domo saw Dante, the warrior who had tried to beat Kotaro, walking up to them. He had asked what happened once he was knocked out and they told him that the battle ended. Hearing Yugondo make a loud gasp they looked over and saw the spectical bellow as it finished playing out in front of them.


In Other Places . . .


The monster queen let out a laugh that was remanisent of nails on a chalk board. The sound pierced deep into tarr's ears and she felt like they would being to bleed at any moment if the she beast continued her cackling. "Slave? No . . . I ask for something . . . more."

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Yugondo didn't even rub his throat from Kotaro's attempt, he merely coughed once or twice and stood up. It was at that moment that Yugondo looked over to Grim and then back at Kotaro. "Your lucky this second, for I cannot make a move unless my master wishes it." Yugondo said, realizing what was going with Kotaro but thinking that it still had to be said.

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Kotaro sat down and held his head between his hands, trying to fight back the inevitable. His eyes changed from black to normal and then back again.


Meanwhile . . .


Another hand came out from the darkness and moved towards Tarr. In the hand was a small dagger made from a fang. "Stab my grandson in the . . . heart. With this weapon . . . I give you and only you the . . . power to save . . . him."


The hand drops the dagger in Tarr's hands. It is heavier than she thought and sharper than any blade she has came in contact with before.

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The giant hand Tarr was standing in began to lift her up to the opening she had entered. As she neared the entrance the queen monster answered her, "Only . . . fate can answer . . . that. But you must . . . or he will destory . . . all"


Tarr now found herself standing in the middle of the valley she had spotted from the air. But looking behind her she noticed that the entrance was gone and didn't leave any evidance it had ever been there. Clutching the fanged blade she flapped her wings and took flight- hoping beyond hope that this would not kill Kotaro.

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ooc: Kotaro tried to strangle me while he was being temporarily posessed by his demon counter part, he is currently trying to fight off a second transformation. Tarr has gotten a dagger from the mother of all demons and has to stab kotaro with it in the heart to stop him. All the other characters have been talking amoungst themselves, Cail healed your wounds and is now where you and I are. Yugondo is just standing there waiting to see if you'd like him to act.

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"It was actually Grim who did most of the fighting ... I think," Felixia told Inaba. "Since Snowdrop was injured, the best I could do was stop her from moving and raise a forcefield around us." She turned to Alice and nodded. "Yes I was one of them. I recognise you, you found me and Grim talking in the library at Poseidon's ..." She looked at Domo and figured out she had never met him before.

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