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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Yugondo was still standing in the same place he was in from when he and Grim had their first conversation. He decided it would be best to walk over to Grim and help him stand up on his good leg. "I thought you knew..." Yugondo suddenly said once Grim was balanced on his right shoulder. "I can't help you in battle unless you wish it of me." Yugondo explained to Grim, walking him over to where Cali was so that she could heal him after she was finished with Kotaro and Aruseus. He laid him down gently enough so his wound wouldn't be affected by the placement of his body. "If you ever need me for battle, simply shout out my name or you can merely tug on the chains that are now connect you your right arm..." Yugondo explained his calling feature.

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Felixia grinned. Feeling bored, she swapped the bamboo green flute for the ordinary one and played a short calming tune, ending on a rather long note. Not looking breathless at all, she put it away. While one hand rested on the pommel of her sword, the other patted Snowdrop.

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Felixia grinned again. "Thanks. It takes years of practice though, I've been playing since I was five." She glared down at the scene and watched Cali heal Grim, who she immediately recognised. She turned to Inaba. "Do you think it's safe to go down now?"

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Felixia sighed. "I hope the fighting ends soon. It always leaves me unable to do much." She sighed again. "That's the tricky bit with a flute; you can either use both hands to create powerful defences or use one hand for basic shields and the other for swinging and thrusting your sword about. I wonder, if you had to fight, how would you fight?"

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"Oh." Felixia thought harder. "I thought I heard something ... I wasn't there, I was busy attending to Snowdrop, she was still hurt from Necron's attack." She removed her hand from her sword and took out the green flute. "I suppose this did more to protect me than I realised."

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