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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Kotaro cried out in pain once more as Cali slashes his back. He turns around quickly and then snaps his fangs at her as she recovers her landing.


Meanwhile . . .


As Tarr walks in the dark pit what at first appears to be the sun appears above her. Taking a second look Tarr notices that another shape is in the "sky" above her, both shapes shinning yellow. Tarr realizes that they are eyes!

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Aruseus screamed in agony as he fell down, he then grabbed both of his blades, which fell right next to him, and used them as support to stand up.


"Crap...he's much stronger than I imagined.."


He sighed deeply in each breath, and then went for another attack, running towards Kotaro and thrusting both swords forward, hoping to stab Kotaro's chest.

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Kotaro thrusts Cali to the left, making her slam into Aruseus as he charged at her, and then to the right in order to stop her from stabing him in the face.


Meanwhile . . .


The "earth" shook as Tarr realized that five mountains began to rise all around her. Then these mountains flexed and was no longer mountains, but five fingers. She was in a hand! A low rumbling erupted from the darkness and could be heard in all directions, "Why have you come here . . . half demon!?"

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The creature whoms plams she was standing in began to laugh and then turned to chuckles. "And what about my . . . grandson?


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro looks back and forth between Necrim and Cali. Then two more figures appear from the rubble of the destroyed hill. Necoma and Domo walk back onto the battlefield, Domo is brushing off the dust from his shoulder. "Well," Domo says, "That was more than I was expecting."

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"Well I was nearly crushed to death by all of the debree," Domo commentted as he finished dusting himself off, "But luckily Necroma was fast enough to get me out of there"


Necroma growled and hissed as Kotaro glared at her, but did not move in for an attack.


Meanwhile . . .


"You refer to the Oracle of Delphi. She was foolish in sending you to me." The hand moved to let Tarr fall into the abiss.

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Aruseus had been previously unconcious, but woke up, without pain. He rubbed his chest, or rather his armor's chestplate, in disbelief. He knew he still wasn't able to beat Kotaro on his own, but now he could at least fight at full power.


He then ran at full speed (quite fast, considering his father is Hermes), and tried to stab Kotaro through the heart. He lunged forward, hoping to land the stab, just saying

"Please forgive me!"

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Necrim blocks a tree that was heading for Cali. Cali then says "oh light that rains down on heaven and earth bring my enemies to their destined annihilation, and grant us the divine protection of thine Brilliance, Fortune's Arc!" a large glyph appears around cali and beams of light rain around them, they don't hurt Necroma or Domo, but the seem to affect Kotaro. meanwhile Domo and Necroma begin to feel stronger.

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As Cali's chant comes to its climax a potential problem arises. Aruseus leaps at Kotaro with his blade set to stab his heart. But instead the man is sucked into the shadows that now make up Kotaro and is not released. Any pain felt by Kotaro is also now being transferred to him. Kill one- kill both.

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ooc: great, I knew he was going to cause us trouble. oh well, I'll think of something.


Necrim watches at Kotaro absorbs Aruseus, and curses. "that fool." says Necrim. Cali looks a Necrim and says "what now?"


ooc: oh yeah, Cali's spell still went through, so Kotaro is still hit my beams of light, they won't kill him though.

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