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Jake the Sage

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Dante and Felixia hears the signal, a whisle, and spots Domo running full speed on the cliff above them. Leaping off the cliff Domo simultaniously draws both of his demon slaying weapons and lands on Kotaro, plunging both blades into what now makes up Kotaro's body. Howling Kotaro hopes back and nearly slams Domo into the hillside. However he slides down his friend's back and lands on the ground, running to Grim.


"We have to destract him long enough for someone to go get-"


Domo is then kicked by Kotaro's hind foot, sending him flying at Grim. Kotaro flips back onto his feet and snarls at everyone, looking back and forth for the next person who dares attack him.

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As Cali heals Domo he lets out a sigh of relif. That move had broken his ribs and now, thanks to Cali, he was all better now. Getting up he brushed the dirt off of his face and nodded to Grim.


"As I was saying. We need to distract him enough so someone can go get his 'granny," Domo knew that Tarr could get there faster than anyone, "Tarr! I know you don't want to leave Kotaro even now, but you have to in order to save him! Go get his granny!"


The hairs on Domo's neck stood on end as he felt Kotaro stare him down. Turning around he saw an amassing energy ball forming in Kotaro's mouth. As the ball grew bigger the terrain around them was being ripped up and pulled in. Trees, water, dirt, rocks, all of it.


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Kotaro's attention, for a split second, was all on Dante as he appeared in front of him. Seeing the power level held within the mortal's frame he then merely lost interest. In Kotaro's eyes each person had a different colored aura surrounding them, the closer the aura was to gold- the more powerful that person. Looking amoungst each person he found his true opponent and then he let out another spine chilling howl.


As Grim mentions the battle yesterday Domo suggests that Cali heal him so he can help Kotaro began to charge at them. His peace and calm manor disolved quickly as he looked at Cali, "Hurry up and heal him and get ready for a fight!"

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When Grim tried to kick Kotaro in the face his leg almost felt like it was moving through water. Landing he saw that where his leg came in contact with Kotaro's "skin" it had been burnt. Shaking his head Kotaro letout a roar that pushed Grim and Domo back, but left Cali all alone. With heavy footsteps he began to approach her.

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As Tarr looked up she did even know what the hell she was looking at. She did even know if that was him let alone if he was still in there. "You got to be kidding me..." She managed to get up but the next thing she hired was Domo. "Ya you do that I'll fly." I hope Tarr started to run away form the battlefield and started to get air.

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Kotaro caught Tarr flying off in the corner of his eye. Reading her aura he lost interest as he had done with Dante. He let her go and returned his attention to the shaking Cali, but was suprised to see the weaklingly dante standing in front of him. Another shock came to Kotaro when the aura surrounding him began more brilliant and he was shoved back by him. Getting up on all four feet again Kotaro's eyes blazed with rage and then shot out an energy ball at Dante. The blast moved faster than Dante could summon a spirit to aid him. But instead of hitting him the attack verred off to the right, missing him by inches and destroying a distant hill.

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As Tarr flies she can still hear the sounds of the battle as if she was right in the middle of it all. Blasts and the horrible cries coming from Kotaro. Looking forward and trying to keep her mind on the mission in front of her she woners how close she is. Thinking about it they had only half a day before them and she could make that in a relatively short time.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro shakes as the side effects of using that blast take hold. He looks at Dante and then goes to bite him in his giant maw.

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Kotaro, not noticing Cali yet, shakes his head back and forth violently trying to get Dante out of his mouth. He finally achieves this only to see Cali's aura shinning a brilliant bluish gold. Kotaro roars at Cali and then charges.


Meanwhile . . .


Now high above the clouds the landscape has completely changed and what was once familiar was now alien. Then Tarr realized that she had no idea what to look for. Then somehting caught her eye- a claw? Looking down she saw that five hills below her looked as if it was a giant hand reaching up from the ground. "Well that is kind of abvious" she thought to herself. Dipping down below the clouds she could see a black dot in the middle of the "hand". No doubt now that had to be it!

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OOC: Sorry for not posting, I've had a lot of schoolwork, and I can't be active on that many RP's. I should be posting actively by tomorror or Wednsday.


Aruseus was still feeling great pain in his chest, he was kind of relieved that Yugondo turned out to be a friend, as he was in no condition to battle. Yet his hopes were crushed when he saw Kotaro.


He said to himself, rather worried,"I can't feven think of defeating him, yet I can make some time."


He charged at Kotaro, his eyes closed and his teeth chenched from the pain, and blindly slashed at him.

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Kotaro's left shoulder seemed to seeth and bubble as the blade struck. Kotaro howled in pain as the blade sunk in deeper. Opening his eyes black thunder struck down from the sky and hit Cali, forcing her to remove the blade from his shoulder. Now freed of the immense pain he smacked Cali to the left with his paw and then slammed it on the ground, causing Aruseus to be shot backwards.


Meanwhile . . .


As Tarr went into the abissmale pit she was completely encompassed in a coak of shadows and darkness. She continued until she lost all sense of direction and then felt the cold ground touching her feet. Taking shallow breaths Tarr shivered and heard her breathing echo in the black pit she had found herself lost in.

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