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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Alice leaps up beside Necron and forms her hands into demon claws. She didn't know if this personality of Wes would be good or evil, but she wouldn't be caught off guard.


Domo looked to the lake and saw the man rising out of it. He got to his feet, grabbed his daggers and yanked them out of their holsters. He looked to Cali, "I guess I'll have to ask you later."


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro, being chained to the tree and haveing an opposing viewn to the lake, could only hear the sounds being caused by the whirlpool and chains shooting out at Necron's arm. He attempted to move his head enough to get a view, but as Domo promised he wasn't going anywhere. When he tried to break them it gave an electrical shock back to him, making him stop imediately, "What is going on over there!?"

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The man didn't answer Necron and barely even acknowledged him. He took a look around at all his surroundings and then grabbed the chain conecting his chest and Necons arm. "Come here, boy...." The man gave a slight tug and Necron was easily sent flying towards him and the man grabbed him by the throat. "Who exactly was your father..." The man demanded the answer not even attempting to make sound like a question...

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As Necron answers the man six blades of energy slash the chains into pieces. Alice cries out at Necron to move now as Domo hurles his daggers at the man. Domo looks to Cali and askes her a question, not the one he was going to, but a question none the less.


"Are you going to help?"


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro, hearing blasts of energy and Alice yelling at the top of her lungs (he cannot make out what she is saying) is becoming very anxious and worried. He tries to wiggle his way out of the chains, only to find that the more he struggles, the more they squeeze down on him. He gives a long exhale as the chains loosen back to their normal security.


"How am I going to get out of these things?" he thought to himself as he heard Domo throwing something.

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The daggers seemed to merely desintagrate right before touching the man. "Cecil Allen..." The man said, he let Necron go and the chains that Alice had thought she had cut were never really cut at all. "Cceil Allen...Cecil Allen, his son is here." The man said again and took a seat casually next to the river like nothing had ever happened. "Your father talked about you often." The words that this man had just said brought a great deal of shock and confusion to the group...

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As all the commotion started to go on in the camp Tarr just woke up in probably the rudest manor possible. As she came out of the tent she was somewhat confused at what she saw. But what confused her the most it where was Kotaro? All she could do was stay motionless in the background and try to find out what was happening.

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Dante had made a makeshift camp on a cliff above the others. While he wanted a trustworthy alliance with the group, after such a long time being alone, he wouldn't be able to sleep with the presence of others.He tried not to overhear their conversations but that was to no avail. all he could do was look up at the sky, as soon as this chained apparition appeared he had picked up both his blades but decided to wait as this thing seemed to have business with the one named Necron."It seems both have something to talk about, I doubt they need my help."He left himself at the top waiting to see the outcome of the conflict.

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Aruseus, who was hidden behind some rocks, so that he didn't worry anybody with his pain, then got up and unsheathed both of his swords. He ran to where Cali and Domo were, swords in hand. As he arrived besides them, he asked them, "What's going on..is he going to be ok?" (looking at Grim).


He was in great pain, his chest felt like it was being stabbed with a sword, or rather ten of them. He could barely stand up, let alone fight this opponent, but he could not make the others worry about him, so he pretended nothing was wrong.

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"He'll be fine. Necron can handle himself for now." Domo responded to Arseus as he came up with both swords drawn. From what he had witnessed none of them would be strong enough to take this guy down if, by their bad luck, he decided to attack. Only Kotaro could possibly take him down and with that he turned to return to camp, calling out to Alice "Make sure that chained guy doesn't try anyhting funny!"


As Domo raced to the camp be, by chance, looked at the cliff side and saw Dante looking down at him. He didn't know too much about him, but if he had the high ground and was on their side then he would be in a good position for a fight. Now reaching the inside of the camp Domo ran head first into Tarr.

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Dante had noticed Domo glimpse at him, apparently a sign that he's relying on him in the case of a last minute struggle. He stood his ground until he would be needed.Before climbing up he had heard that Kotaro had been chained not to far away. If only he could release him, he wouldn't have to involve himself, but the chances of doing that without being noticed are slim.

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OOC:I didn't know you were on this Leo-chan., well, from what I see quite a couple of things have happened, and it looks like Kotaro is in the process of turning into a monster, so they went to an Oracle to find a way to revert him to normal. on thier way here they met me(Dante) who's on a quest to find his parent's murderer(his father being Hades.) as we arrived at this cliff we're attacked by a man (can't remember his name but controlled by FinalFantasyRevolution) as Kotaro was chained away from us in the case of his transforming over night.

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OOC: I was one of the original five newcomers, then I sort of fell inactive caus of this and that, and now I want to be active again. I've got an idea about how to get back into this


"Come on Snowfire, there they are," said Felixia as Snowfire - now fully healed - galloped furthur up ahead. "I can't believe they left me behind at Poseidon's palace ... it doesn't matter, I'm glad I've got you." Snowfire neighed and they slowed as they arrived at the cliff. She spotted Dante and guessed he was one of the newer members. Snowfire gently trotted over so she stopped next to him. Felixia dismounted her, her green flute in her hand. "Excuse me, are you following a group of people-" She stopped and looked down, recognising Tarr. She immediately pointed down. "Are you following them?"

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Felixia immediately blew a tune through her flute. It was quiet enough to silence Snowfire. She stopped playing and turned to Dante. "It seems as if we won't be attacking for a while," she whispered as she silently unsheathed her short sword. "I'm Felixia by the way. I was with this group until they left me behind at Poseidon's palace."

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He was silent for a moment but eventually he answers."My name is Dante, I'm currently with this group." he whispers back."I apologize on their hand for leaving you. I doubt their intention was to hurt you in any way." he thinks for a while hearing they had been to Poseidon's palace,"I see this group has gone through a lot."

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"You don't have to apologize for them, I doubt you've been to his palace," said Felixia quickly. "It is huge, I suppose they completely forgot I've got Snowfire, and didn't bother checking the stables. I would have rejoined them earlier if it wasn't for Snowfire's wound." She nodded at his last sentence. "Yes they have. I wonder if Necron's still around..." She quickly shook her head. "Nevermind that ... do you have any idea what happened?"

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