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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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"I...I think I know someone who can do us one better. Possibly be able to hold of his transformation until it actually HAS to happen but..." Jisan looked to the floor and gave a smirk. "You don't need to do it if you don't have to." Vayne said, with a quisical look at Jisan. "Yeah, I suppose." Though the oracle was indeed who she was, any facts about Jisan's past or future would be to scrambled with Wes, Wesfield, Yokoshima, Tsukaeru, and One's lives that they would become unreadable and uncomprehendable.

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Aruseus looked at Kotaro in horror, then turned to the Oracle, he told her "If what you say is true, and I must join this group, then I must help this man!"


His tone of voice became demanding as he said,"Oracle, I implore you to tell us, if we can't help him....who can?". Aruseus proceeded to determinedly add, "I will join this group and look for this person, and I shall help this creature..man..for the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

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"Yes Cali, with your immense healing ability you can help Kotaro revert back to normal. But noy even you can save him from his ultimate fate.


Kotaro was now clawing at the floor and growling like a wolf protecting his terriroty. He was on all fours and shook his head in pain. Oracle then looked to Aruseus.


"The mother of all monsterious demons- Kotaro's grandmother if you will. Only she can cure him of his fate. However she is cruel and will most likely not aid you."

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Aruseus unsheathed one of his swords, then said in a confident tone"Then we'll make her help!".


He asked the group, as he raised his sword, "So, anyone willing to join me?".Then he pointed his blade at the oracle, and said "Please tell us, wise Oracle, where to find this lady?"

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Alice stood in Arseus' way and shoved him back with all of her might, making him hit the wall.


"Don't point that at my mother!" The Oracle placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder and shook her head. She knew that Aresus had not planned on attacking her or doing any harm, but was just expressing himself.


"I will go with you!" Domo stepped forward and nodded his head to Aresus, Alice soon joined in too.

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Aruseus stood up, then told Alice "For the love of Zeus! ..I just used my sword to point at her.". He resheathed his sword, and told the Oracle,"You still haven't told me where to find the Demoness..."


He opened the door, and then calmly asked again "Where can I find the Demoness?".

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"I'm pretty much here for the long haul so you can count me in." Jisan said as he drapped his sword over his right shoulder and gave a salute to Tarr. "If Jisan is gonna go I suppose I have to go..." Vayne said as he smiled at the entire group. "I don't know where we're going but I'm sure my robots can help out!" Vayne gestured.

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The doors slowly opened as a young man enters, he see the various warrior's in the room, also apparently here to see the oracle. He knows their wishes are none of his concern.so he simply walks past them, as he arrives he bows to her and begins his request."Oracle, I've come far to seek you guidance, please accept these gifts I have gathered from the far east, and allow me to ask you a question." He humbly presents to her a Statue of a saint from Christian Lore.

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The Oracle rubs her forehead as yet another person enters her home and asks for a reading. That makes three seperate groups in less than 12 hours who have came to her own dwelling and asked/demanded a reading. Taking the statue in her hand she mulled the request over while simultaniously examining the gift. Putting it on the mantle place she looks back at the newest person.


"Your gift has been accepted young man. My buisness with these folks has come to an end. You are free to ask your question." The Oracle sat down, crossed her legs and awaited the question.


As the Oracle dealt with her job Cali put her hands on Kotaro's shouders, took a deep breath, and allowed her healing powers to flow freely. To her suprise what she thought would be a tiring task was easier than she thought- as if she had more power than before and could do this without a second thought. As she forced Kotaro's transformation back into its begining stages a blue aura enveloped the two and soon made the entire underground room shine with its light. Kotaro gasped as his demon features regressed and he returned to normal. Cali stepped back and smiled to him.


"Feel more like yourself?"

"Definately! Lets get a move on before you have to do it again."


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"My father has been slain, my home world enslaved and the souls of the dead cannot be judged into heaven or hell. I come to ask, who has done this, and if they have any relation to my mother's killers?" his tone of voice has grown more serious with each word, he is clearly upset with the current happenings. "I don't know how long ago my father was taken from me, but I would like to know who is responsible for this."

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Kotaro was glad it worked too, but got destracted by the boy who was now in session with the Oracle. Hearing he was the son of Hades and wished to know who had slain him Kotaro stepped by the young man's side.


"I know who killed your father- and most likely who slaughtered your mother as well . . ."

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"We have to take Kotaro with us." Vayne objected to Aruseus' idea of leaving and then coughed to let him know he was about to speak. "There is a high probability that this cure is a spell or something that may have to administrated to Kotaro on the spot. We should take him with us because if she does say we need him present there won't be enough to come back and then bring him to her." Vayne said as he went over to Kotaro. "If your ready we can leave, or if you'd rather talk to him before hand we're just fine with that." Vayne said to Kotaro, refrencing the boy he was standing next to.

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