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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Jisan looked through the city with the group while listening to all that Alice had to say about it and what she found exciting or magical. He looked over to Vayne who seemed to be thinking more about how he could improve the city with his crazy machines than anything else in the world. "Vayne, a moment if you could..." Jisan finally said, they both started to walk from the group. "Uh, you all can go ahead I have something important I need to discuss with Vayne. We'll meet you at Alice's house later." Before the group even had time to accept that he and Vayne were leaving they were already lost in the crowd of bustling people that seemed to not even know where they were going let alone how they would get there...



Vayne and Jisan came to an alley way where they could speak with each other and have no interruption. "Did Wesfield tell you most of it?" Vayne frowned because he knew what subject the two of them were about to discuss, and he didn't like it one bit. "Yeah, he did. I have to ask why can't you just ya know, switch?" Jisan chuckled for a moment. "An impossabillity my friend, I know that in all your wisdom you could probably do what we have asked you to do." Vayned started to frown once again. "Have you told the group yet..." He said, this thought made Jisan frown instead this time. "I'd...rather let one do it..." Vayne smirked. "Yeah, I guess your right. I can have it done by the time you need it to be done." Jisan gave a small smirk. "I appreciate it it Vayne." The two said and then about faced to start walking out of the alley...

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As the mysterious conversation between Vayne and Jisan ended Alice and the rest had already reached the bottom of the stairway and was amazed to see an entire house underneath the hardened gravel.


"Welcome to my home." Alice mused as she walked into another room. Everyone stood still and marvelled at the marble furniture, exquised paintings and draipery and the smell of rare insenses. From the other room they could hear Alice calling for her mother, but couldn't make olut what her name was.

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Jisan and Vayne wandered the city for about ten minutes until Vayne finally whipped out a contraption to find where this place was. "Ok...we somehow actually got further than we were." Jisan chuckled. "Alright than so where is it, what direction." Vayne looked confused. "Uhm nort and then...down?" Vayne said with a confused look. "Lets just go North for now..." Vayne said as Jisan gave off yet another chuckle.

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As Alice wandered her home for her mother everyone began to make themselves comfy. Kotaro had noticed a purple plant on a marble stand. It gave off an odor he personally didn't like, but it was a deep color of purple and he felt that someone he knew might like it. When he reached for it a hand came out of the darkness beside him and grabbed his hand. Kotaro's eyes grew wide and he wrenched free from the person's grasp, causing enough noise to get everyone else's attention.


Kotaro cracked his knuckles and had his claws out ready for anything that the stranger would do next. When Kotaro opened his mouth to ask who they were the stranger spoke up, "Who am I? That is what you were going to say first, correct Kotaro?"


Everyone stood dumbfounded as the person asked Kotaro's question before he could himself.


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Kotaro calms down when he hears that its Alice's mother. Speaking of Alice, she had heard all of the noise and was now entering the room. Seeing her mother Alice seemingly froze in place, much to her mom's amusement.


"Well I already know what you want. SO why don't you come over here and give your old mother a hug?" The Oracle bent down as Alice ran and leaped into her mothers arms, "My how you have grown Alice."

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Aruseus stepped into the room, looking a bit confused, interrupting the conversation completely,he greeted everyone.


"Hello, uhm...I'm Aruseus Liakopulos, and I'm on a mission for my father...if you all don't mind, I just came here to get a piece of the Oracle's wisdom.."


He then looked at the Oracle..as if he were expecting a response.

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The Oracle turned to Tarr and took off her hood. For the first time everyone was able to get a good look at what the Oracle of Delphi looked like. She had the same hair color as her daughter, but her eyes were a milky white- showing that she was in fact BLIND!


"You're all here to ask for a cure to Kotaro's condition. Am I correct?"

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"NO..I'm not here to ask about this Kotaro.."


Aruseus was very confused by the Oracle's previous answer, and so , proceeded to add.


"Oracle, I trust your infinite wisdom, but how are my answers going to be solved through the ones before me? I've never met any of these warriors, and my father, the god Hermes, sent me months ago on a quest to reach Delphi. I got lost around the way, and fought fierce battles, but now that I've reached you, you tell me that the key to my mission isn't you, but a caravan of traveling swordsmen?"

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Oracle looked back at Tarr and then at Kotaro. Visions of the future flashed through her blind eyes as she percieved the events to come. She saw great partings amoungst the group, hearts shattering from sadness and then rehealing, memories of what has happened, and losses abound, and then . . . nothing. Oracle looked at Tarr and gave her answer, "Your friends future is one like I have never seen before. Trully it is something original."

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Aruseus kneeled down and adressed Tarr: "My apologies, I did not mean to offend you, and if the Oracle says it, then I must plead of you to accept me into your caravan."


He stood up, then walked until he was next to Tarr and the Oracle. He then looked at both Tarr and the oracle, wanting to listen the conversation.

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The oracle sidestepped and right after she did a glass roof window of the complex fell in and Vayne crashed straight through right onto the place where the Oracle was standing. "Ugh, my head." Jisan looked down from the broken rooftop window. "Man, I told you there were stairs right over there." Vayne quickly got up. "Shut the hell up! I was following my device so perfectly that I...well.." "Fell on your ass." Jisan filled in his sentance and then jumped down himself, landing perfectly on his feet. "Yeah that...hey!" Vayne said as he looked around the room and after he did he saw the Oracle in front of him. "Eh, sorry...." He said as he took a seat in a random char and rubbed his head for a moment.


ooc: Sorry I kind of stole the Oracle there for a sec, I needed her for the lols =P

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Vayne looked from his chair at the strange man and smirked. "My name is Vayne and I am an inventor/scientist as well as a member of this group you could say." Jisan walked over to the group and gave off one of his usual and expected sighs. "My name is Jisan and I'm one of six spirits that infest this body, I to am a member of this group." Jisan said to the man who was asking Vayne who he was. "Now if you'll be so kind." Jisan said, this being they way he asked someone a question that he was just asked.

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The Orcale shrugged her shoulder, knowing there wasn't much else he'd understand from her. As Aresus waited Kotaro interrupted the silence.


"Aresus was it? We're out to stop the "evil" you want to stop as well. So the Oracle is right, you complete your quest through u-"


Kotaro fell over with his hands clutching his chest. He felt like he had a second heartbeat in his head, which on its own seemed to have been stuck in a fire pit. Doubling over Kotaro began to breath heavy and almost forcefully began to make animal-like noises.


"It is already started. His transformation into the wild beast." The Oracle sat down lightly in a chair across from Kotaro.

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