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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Awai smirked at Katie's demands. "Pawns can be given to you straight away..." Awai's hand grew golden and he rose it to the sky. Suddenly and swiftly three Arc Angles appeared in the room. "You three will be her new peons, any disobeying of these orders will result in immediate death." Awai said, the Arc Angles knelled to them both. "Celic." "Joseph." "Artix." The three introduced themselves and waited to be ordered. "Now, who shall I bring you." Awai said.

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Kotaro's eyes began to rapidly switch back and forth between his normal color and red. He bared his teeth in a mixture of pain and rage as his hair stood on end.


Meanwhile . . .


Katie smirked at the three angelic pawns that were delieverd to her. She was expecting something more, but these would do . . . for now.


Katie, to Awai: Bring me the daughter of Posiedon.

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"Understood..." He placed his right pointer and middle finger on his temple and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Her name is Cali at coordinates 134.72NE and 45.78W, I will have her in your posession within two days time..." Awai said as he took flight out of the based and towards his destination.


Meawhile in the Nubara Desert...


The wind whipped harshly and menacingly through the grity sand covered ground. Sand storms couldn't be avoided in a place such as this, the sun was beating down so hard that it could make Hades himself put on some sunglasses and carry around an umbrella overhead. It was here that two men were seen walking through and braving this madening desert. The first had a tattered and ripped cloak, blue pants, brown shirt, and a single rapier on his waster. The second of the men seemed to be wearing cloths of a completely different dimensional time as this world was in. He had very light blue crystal eyes and was smoking a cigarette. "Yo..." He said to the first man as they walked. "About two days now, we should reach them in two days." The first man said.


[spoiler=2nd man's appearance]




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Alice, seeing Kotaro's grimic, walked over to him as he began to almost spasm. She knelt down beside Tarr and gave her a knowing nod. Placing her hands on his forehead she suddenly gasped. In an instant she was inside the blackness of his mind. Darkness and an inky smoke filled what looked like a hallway. Every move she made appeared to be in slow motion and she could even see after images of herself. A scream erupted from dwon the hall as Alice looked towards the origins of the noise.


Running down the hall her footsteps were louder than she thought they would have been. Another scream and she made a right, one more and she had found the room. Grabbing hold of the door knob and taking a deep breath she swung it open. Before her was a young Kotaro, about her age (Aka eight) and an older version. The child Kotaro was on the ground bleeding and crying while the older version was standing over him with his claws bloody and he was snarling. The older Kotaro had the same appearance as Kotaro did when he was taken over by Katie. The corrupt Kotaro spotted Alice and lunged for her.


Then the lights returned and Alice screamed while falling backwards.

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Domo sat on the ground and let Alice's words sink in. Kotaro, his leader, was going to end up as nothing more than a savage beast after all this?


"Alice . . . is there any way to stop this!?"


Alice shook her head. She had been running over the possabilities since she learned what was going to happen. Nothing she thought of would be powerful enough to prevent Kotaro's complete regression back into a savage animal. A light went off in hder head as a thought came to light.


"I don't know of a way . . . but maybe my mom does!"

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Alice sneared at Jisan, who had suggested her mother was a diety.


"No, my mother is the oracle of Delphi. She is the reason why I can see into the future. If anyone has an answer then it'd be her."


Alice then turned when Tarr spoke about when htey had found her, "At the time I was with my aunt and uncle. My family is in Delphi a few miles from here."


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Domo was suprised by Tarr's tone of voice. What was so bad about going to see the Oracle of Delphi? He just shrugged his shoulder and moved to Kotaro, who had now worn himself out and had passed out. Lugging him over his shoulder he looked to Alice to lead the way.


"This way." She pointed south and began walking.

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