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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Domo wondered about that too. Claire had said when he heard Kotaro's howl that he changed into a wolf. So would that mean any howl could possibly make him transform?


Meanwhile . . .


The wall blasted open as katie and her group entered the main base of teh Black Fang. Lowly grunts flinched as their boss and her generals returned from an almost failed mission. The scurried around like roaches, trying to look busy. Katie ordered everyone to get fed up and report to her in 2 hours. Once that was complete she moved onto her private study.


out loud: I can't believe we almost failed gaining Posiedon's po-


Katie moved her hand in a circle, feeling the new found powers she had acquired merely a day ago. Something was different and she new it, this power felt weaker than all the others she had stolen, which shouldn't be.

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A whispering wind surounded the group and seemed to be whiping by them from an open place in the back of the headcourters which shouldn't be opened at all. A glimering light was approaching them and an angelic figure stepped out from around a pillar of the headquarters. "I believe we are after the same thing..." The angelic commander said with a smirk to his face...



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"I am after the criminal of heaven known as Sykes who is supposedly coming back to this dimension in a matter of hours." The heavenly commander said as he walked past Katie and looked around the base. "And of course...all who are allied with Sykes, must be destroyed." He clenched his fist in the air at the thought. "Katie, your crimes of evil will be forgiven if you were to ally with myself." The angelic commander explained.

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Hearing that she'd be forgiven for her sins was too much for her to stand. katie burst out into a hysterical laughter at the stranger who had entered her private study.


"I'm not looking for any redemption. However if you wish to take out Sykes and those he is allied with, in other words my enemies . . . then I believe we could consider each other as 'friends."

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"Very well, you may adress me as Awai." He said as he started to smirk at Katie. "You must be a powerful individual, not many can bare the hearing of my real name." Awai said, as he searched Katie's powers. "You seemed to have killed many of gods in your past." The study wasn't very well lit but Awai's aura seemed to put everything into a holy tone and everything in the study could be viewed.

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Katie was disguisted by the man who named himself Awai. Something about him told her he couldn't be trusted, or that he should at least be monitered closely. However she shrugged the feeling off and decided to use her new ally to his full extent.


"So if you want Sykes why come to me? If you're so powoerful why not go get him yourself?"

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"There are certain limitations for my powers on earth, if I were to aprehend them on the heavenly plain there's not a doubt in my mind that I couldn't kill Sykes' friends and take him myself but that chance is long gone." Awai said as he looked around the study, the poorly kept bookshelves and dusty tombs of the room made him frown at the thought of Kattie beign an ally of his. "Here on earth my powers are reduced enough so that I could not take care of them so easily, therefore if I should require backup in this situation." Awai explained, grabbing a few of the books as he talked and glancing them over with his own eyes.

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The books read about the history of the gods and the earth itself, others he saw, read arcane magic. While he spoke Katie began to understand why he had come to her in the first place.


"So you cannot defeat the one you are after on your own. and in your time of need you have come to me for aid? if you truly want my help then you do know I require to be . . . 'payed."

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Alice, out loud: It is worth a try.


Domo and Alice looked over to Kotaro and called him over. Looking at the struggeling Jake and his teammates he tehn excused himself to Tarr and walked over to the others.


Kotaro, out loud: What is it?


Domo, to Kotaro: I know this is going to sound crazy, but could you howl for us?


Kotaro nodded his head. That did sound crazy and made no sense what so ever. However he had been eavesdropping on their conversation and knew what was going on. So he tilted his head back and let out a spine chilling howl.

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"And I gather that by payed you don't necessarily mean with a monitary value at all..." Awai said as he put the book he was reading back onto the shelf, small particles of dust flew of the shelf as it touched the backboard of the shelf itself. He turned to look at Katie for the first time since his arrival. "Tell me, what would you want in return, more gods to add to your collection perhaps? More demented, mindless pawns at your disposal? Tell me what it is you want to trade for your services." Awai said and then waited for a response.

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Katie turned around at Awai as he spoke of his payment to her. Each idea sounded just as good as the last. Moreover thinking about it she knew that gettting more pawns would be easy for her.


Katie, to Awai: I demand to payed in both ways. Get me more pawns for my army, and I want you to bring me someone . . .


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro, to Jisan: Only a day? Hmmm . . . Then our best bet would be to head for the next diety and await Katie's arrival. She'll show up sooner or-


Kotaro suddenly felt as if he had been slugged in the stomach by a giant. His vision blurred and he could feel his ear drums popping. Her swayed a bit before toppeling over in pain.

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