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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Katie glared at Tarr and shoved her over and took Kotaro from her. Sitting down sher held him in her hands and placed her palm over his forehead.


Katie, to Tarr: You are a moron, what he sees in you I will never understand.


Katie began to glow and everyone could see the wound on Kotaro's head being healed.

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Kyushu, to Grim: You owuld encounter the same problem as I would. You do not have the required room to complete your transformation, thus killing us and possibly yourself.


Katie had finished healing Kotaro, who rose up and looked around the room. Seeing the enemy and his own friends together and not fighting stunned him for a moment.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Uh-Ummm . . . what's going on?

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Katie turned her attention to Grim and his answer.


Katie, to Grim: And how do you expect us to get out there? Everyone would be crushed by the pressure! Have you forgotten we are at the bottom of the ocean! No, Kota is goignt o get us out of here.


Katie stood to her feet and helpped Kotaro up, and then helped suport his weight. Kotaro looekd amongst the people in the room and at the water leve, now waist heigh.


Kotaro, to everyone: I think I can get everyone out.

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Kotaro started blankly at Necorn as if he didn't know what he was talking about. Befoer he could ask a question Katie said that was how he did it.


Katie, to Kotaro: So Kota, think you can get us all out of here?


Kotaro thought about it and then nodded his head.


Kotaro, out loud: Everyone is going to be fine.

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Domo, Alice and Inaba arrive soon to the group. All three are out of breath and obviously exhausted.


Domo, to Grim: We couldn't find *sees Katie and her group* . . . you . . .


Alice, to Domo: It appears as if due to the circumstances we must ally ourselves with the enemy to prevent all of us from dieing an needless death.


Domo, out loud: Oh . . .

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Pearl eyed Inaba, but ignored her as she awaited the rescue. Kotaro began to charge his energy, making what looked like a black inky cloud appear at the bottom of the water. The "cloud" soon grew doulbbe its size, enough for foru people to stand in and swirlled like a hurricane.


Kotaro, out loud: I don't have enough energy to get us all out!

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Kotaro, to Grim: Three at a time, but there is no garantee that I can get everyone out by doing it three at a time.


The shadow cloud began to shrink, now only allowing two whole people to pass through it.


Katie, to Tarr: The answer is simple, someone has to give Kota some power.


Domo walked next to Kotaro and noded his head. he didn't know how much use his powers would be, but they'd be something. he put his hand on Kotaro's shoulder and closed his eyes. The shadow cloud returned to being able to transport three people.

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Katie smiled and snapped her finger. Sonya and Kyushu stopped helpping Cali hold back the water, making it rush in faster than before. The water level quickly rose to their stomachs.


Katie, to Tarr: I don't think so . . .


Kotaro, to Tarr: Put her down! We're not going to get anywhere by fighting each other now!

to Necron: I gladly accept your help Necron.


Alice was the next person to begin transferring energy to Kotaro, making the cloud almost big enough to transfer six people.

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