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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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"Yeah yeah whatever. Personally I was always a fan Poseidon myself, as Ironic as that may be for me." Jisan said as he yawned at Pearl again. "You bore me ya know that. It's all I have these powers this and I killed these gods that. GOD!" Jisan said as the orange aura regained on his blade. "Now die." Jisan said as he swung his blade a wave of fire went spilling out over the room they were in and directly at Pearl.

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Katie smiled and snapped the amulets clean in half. She then poured the broken pieces on the ground.


Katie, out loud: Oopse.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro looked up and the pure sight made Tarr's heart jump. Kotaro's eyes were red and his fangs extended out of his mouth. Strange markings covered his entire face and arms. Ears and tail more notable than ever. His claws, one soaked throughly in her own blood, had at least doubled in length. And oddly something else was different about him . . .


Kotaro, to Tarr: Since you diobeyed me you must be taught a lesson.


Kotaro took a step forward and the very aura he gave off scarred Tarr more than his appearance. it was cold, unfeeling and almost malicious. And yet she could also sense another person presense . . . Katie!

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Kotaro, to Tarr: The feeling isn't mutual.


Kotaro raised his claws to cleve off his own best friend's head! Tarr couldn't believe he was so under her control- then it hit her! The god Katie had recently taken control of was the goddess of love! and with that she possibly could make Kotaro do whatever she wanted . . . even take out her!

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Kotaro's claw moved just a hair, but it was enough to save Tarr's head from rolling. His claw instead dugg deep into her back. KOtaro pulled back the bloody finger tips and licked the warm blood off of them stating, "Killing you in one blow isn't what I want. Now fight back!"


Kotaro kicked Tarr in the side and then dragged her by the hair and threw her into the wall. Constantly he dared her to attack him- so him how loyal she was. If she could do the right thing, even if it meant harming him.

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Katie watches amusingly as they combine.


Meanwhile . . .


Sonya eyes Cali as she wipes her face.


Sonya, to Cali: What was that supposed to do?


In Other Places . . .


Kotaro grabbed some of Tarr's feathers and ripped them out of her skin, leaving small pools of blood where they had been attached. He was almost demanding her to stop him. Tarr looked up at him through the pain and was suprised to see tears forming in those red eyes. She then realised he wasn't demanding, he was begging.

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the fires around Sonya have been put out by the water.


Grim: bleed all you want, we'll just put the fires out.


Necron: Grim, I know it's fun to torture people, but what about the others?


Grim: I can't think of anything we can do unless, hmm...if only I had Apocalypse. anyway they can handle themselves. and I'm kind of surprised to here you worried about others.


Necron: well-I-


Cali: focus you two.

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Tarr winched and started to shed tears she did not know what to do. Part of her felt that she should do nothing to hurt Kotaro while there other side telling to defend her self at any cost. Tarr was going mad form the inside on what to do.

As Kotaro held Tarr in the only thing she could do, she screamed. She let out a loud bird like screech that could wake the dead.

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For a minute it appeared that Necron had pierced throught the barrier, but with a snap he was sent flying back and slammed into Grim.


Sonya, to Grim: Why don't you try kicking it? That might work . . .


Meanwhile . . .


Posiedon, to both: I said no! Don't even think about it. You've already agitated her enough as it is.


Posiedon waved for the two to get out of the area.


In Other Places . . .


The screech from Tarr was bad enough to break Kotaro's ear drums. he slammed into the wall and fell over, holding his bleeding ears. Throught the pain Tarr could see the small signs of a smile on his face. He stood up and wipped the last drops of blood away.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Now this is better!

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