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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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"Damn, it seems that your back in this fight again eh?" Wesfield said as he started to glow golden and then the gold energy mixed with a red and silver energy. "You almost killed me the first time we fought so I'll be taken this one from the sidelines..." After saying that Wesfield turned into a new spirit that was ready to fight and kill Pearl as if he was on a cue. When he appeared there was a rush of hot air that made Pearl feel as if she was in the pit of a volcano. The man had armor that had some sort of wire and tubes on it, making it look like it was fashioned from the future. His weapon was black handled and red bladed, and seemed to have an orange aura hanging about it. "It seems that it's my turn to fight, it's about damn time." The man said as he yawned at Pearl.

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Sonya only laughed as her wounds spouted fire that caught the ground near her aflame.


Sonya, out loud: Carefull . . . if I "bleed" too much then this whole room goes up.


Meanwhile . . .


Alice nodded her head. She really didn't like the idea of letting Domo go after her alone. But as Domo ran towards Pearl he is stopped by Wesfield's newest transformation. Pearl diverted all of her attention onto this new fighter- Spirit Number 1!


In Other Places . . .


Posiedon notted that the hole in Claire's stomach would heal shortly and would only leave a small scar.


Somewhere Else . . .


Kotaro gasped as Tarr lifted his head. He opened his eyes and looked at Tarr with a frown.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Leave.

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"1? Nah, that guys calm and doesn't like to come out much from our little chamber up there in our head. I'm number 2, Jisan Hugo." Jisan said as he yawned yet again at Pearl as if he didn't care about who she was. "Let's hurry this up, I don't wanna waste to much energy on someone who is only SECOND in command..." Jisan as he raised his blade in the air, as he did the members of the party that were with Jisan were pushed far back from him. "Sorry kids, I work alone." Jisan said, sounding very confident in his own abilities.

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Posiedon smiles as the two lovers make up over what had happened. But this mushy feeling soon melts away as an ominous presense is felt headed their way.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro's eyes suddenly changed from his normal everyday eyes to being a dark red. His fangs grew longer and he snarrled at Tarr.


Kotaro, to Tarr: *between growls* Leave . . . I can't . . . control myself!

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Posiedon, to both: Something powerful . . .


The ground beneath them began to shake as the person stepped closer and closer.


Meanwhile . . .


Pearl blocked each attack with her own arms, not getting cut in the least bit. Pearl then stomped on the ground, sending a pillar of rock jutting up between her and Jisan.

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Posiedon, to both: NO! Don't even attempt to attack her . . .


Jake and Claire could see the beads of sweat forming o nthe sea god's face as he faced his opponent.


Katie, to both: You should listen to the old man childre. You'd easily get . . . killed.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro slased Tarr's left arm with his claws and rolled onto his stomach. It almost sounded as if he was dying from the pain.

The rocks covered Pearl and made an armor for her. Pearl stepped forward and a solid wall of rock slammed shut behind Jisan.


Pearl, to Jisan: I have the powers of Hermes AND Demeter! You have no chance of beating me!

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Kaite stiffeled a laugh and began to squeeze the amulet, making a small crack appear on each one.


Katie, to both: Come'er and get it.


Posiedon, to both: Don't!


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro looked over at Tarr with his blood red eyes and then stood up. He swyed as he attempted to stand his ground, head lowered so Tarr could not see his face.


Kotaro, to Tarr: You should have left Tarr . . .

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