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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Posiedon grew more fustrated and tramped over to Cliare. taking the young girl in his hands he began to work his powers over her, giving her some of his life.


Meanwhile . . .


Pearl, to Inaba: I am Omar's mother!


In Other Places . . .


Sonya smiled slyfully and said nothing. She took another step back and waited for the first person to leave.

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Posiedon nods and then turns his attention to Meody once again.


to Meody: How did they give you power?


Meanwhile . . .


Tarr can see what looks like a blood red ruby in Katie's hand. A kind of pink energy is swirling into what she could assume was an amulet. Tarr moved to the right a bit and saw the source of the pink energy- Aphrodite! The realization shocked and horrified Tarr- the pink energy was Aphrodite's immortality and powers!


In Other Places . . .


Necron is immediately shot back into the wall, cracking it and launching him directly to the ground.


Somwhere Else . . .


Pearl shakes her head, so furious she cannot see straight. Charging at Inaba she yanks her weapon out.


Pearl, to Inaba: Just shut up and Die!


As the blade moves to cleave her head off Inaba is pushed out of the way. Looking up she sees its Domo and Alice.

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Sonya nodded her head and walked in front of the three.


Sonya, to all: You are indeed trapped in here. However killing me wont get you out. Only I decide when you leave.


Meanwhile . . .


Katie takes a deep breath as the last of Aphrodite's energy is absorbed into the amulet. She senses Tarr ehading her way and throws APhrodite's lifeless body to her.


Katie, to Tarr: You can keep it, its useless to me now anyways.


In Other Places . . .


Domo, to Inaba: Pearl knocked us out. We just woke up and tracked her here.


Alice, out loud: She is different from last time. Something about her is odd, like she there is something . . . more.

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Katie put her hand up, effectively stopping tarr in her tracks.


Katie, to Tarr: I'd love to kick you around more, but I have anotyher god to "become one with."


Katie walked up to Tarr and grinned, then slapped her across the face.


Kaite, to Tarr: But I don't want you to feel left out so I'll leave you with a playmate.


Katie walked outside the room and Tarr fell to the ground.


Meanwhile . . .


Sonya laughed and then pointed at herself.


Sonya, out loud: You're gonna torture little old me?


In Other Places . . .


Alice, to Inaba: We must approach her carefully. I am unsure of what has changed about her. Until we find out we can't be too care- Domo!


Inaba looked up to see Domo charging at the enemy with only a single dagger outstretched to stab her! Could he really be that thick headed!?

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ooc: I'm being kicked off. Twin I was here before you and I haven't run out of ideas yet.


Grim: yes, we are.


Both Grim and Necron disappear, and Sonya is slashed on her arm, and legs ten times each limb. Grim and Necron appear next to Cali and they aren't even breathing hard.


Inaba: let him go Alice, we need to find out what she can do.


ooc: see ya later.

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