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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Kotaro, to Tarr; Well . . . we have to think about stopping Katie. We can't get distracted.


Aphrodite: Oh sure, just like a guy. Ask him how he feels and he changes the subject. Don't give up yet! Press him to tell you, use your feminine charms to force it out if you have too Tarr!

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Posiedon walked around the corner and almost ran into his daughter and possibly soon to be son-in-law.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro let out a long sigh and took both of Tarr's hands in his own. He had his eyes closed and Tarr could see he was begining to breath more steadily. Finally he opened his eyes which made her heart skip a beat.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Tarr . . . I've known you for a little more than a year now. You have been one of my closest friends, loyal comrades, and best person I have ever known. I wont lie to you when I say that if I had you by my side for the rest of my life I'd be more than happy. Tarr, I lo-


As Kotaro is in midsentance the palace rocks back and forth, causing the windows to crack and water begins leaking in. Once the complex resumes its stability a laughter was heard everywhere at once.


????, out loud: I come all the way down here to meet up with an old friend of mine only to find him confessing his love to another girl?


Katie steps out from a pillar and waves her fan in front of her face.


Katie, to Kotaro and Tarr: If you two want to be side by side forever i can accomidate you. Hope you wont mind if you're also six feet under.


Katie snapps her finger and a small army appears completely through the palace. Sonya is closer to Grim, Cali and Posiedon. The revived Kyushi is in the library with Inaba, Domo, Alice, Wesfield and Vayne. The rest of the army is spread out to deal with everyone else.


Katie, to Kotaro: So Kota? One last dance?


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Katie, to Tarr: Have you forgotten how powerful I am?


Katie raised her hands up in a fluid motion, this mere action causes the room they are standing in to begin shaking violently.


Meanwhile . . .


Domo, with his natural instincts, blocks Jake's assault and tosses him overhead.


Domo, to Jake: What are you doing!?


In Other Places . . .


Kyushi throws the book back at Inaba, hitting her square in the head.


And Lastly . . .


Sonya laughs and waves to Grim and Cali.


Sonya, to Grim: If you wish to get more comfertable I will allow you.


Sonya motions to Grim's room and seaths her weapons.

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Katie, to Tarr: Ah, but soon I'll have the "king of the seas" abilities. After that I wont be killed by the flood. You however wont get to see it!


Katie charged at Tarr and thrusted her blade in a stab. The motion was so quick and unexpected Tarr had no time to react. Fortunately for her Kotaro got in between the two and took the blow, having the blade sink deep into his right forearm.

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Katie skidded back and hit the wall, causing the glass to crack and leak even more water. With the salt water flowing over her head and shoulders Katie spit it out and looked back up at Tarr. The palace began to shake even more violently, cracking the glass worse. Taking a step forward Katie used her powers to push Tarr up into the air and then violently back down.

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Katie smiled and in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Tarr. Kotaro managed to grab ahold of her and get Katie in a head lock.


Meanwhile . . .


Domo and Alice looked at each other and nodded. Alice eruppted into flames and became Necroma, afterwich Domo leaped on her and yanked his two daggers out.


Domo, out loud: Lets do this!

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