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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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The person behind the tree walked back behind the tree.


????, to Meody: I have too, however if you wish to meet with the black fang leader, she is headed to Posiedon's palace as we speak.


Meanwhile . . .


Alice, out loud: So because she has some kind of link with you Meody can sense your very presence, if we were to sneak up on her you would have to be left out of the equation.


In Other Places . . .


Kotaro handed Tarr one of the book he was combing through. She couldn't help but notice that his hand was cold and sweaty from being so nervous. She could also tell he wasn't looking directly at her since she came in. Looking down at book Tarr read "Creation and The Begining" was the title.

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Kotaro moved away from Tarr. She could easily tell he was hurt by what she had said, but wouldn't admit it.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Oh . . . sorry. Would you still help me look through the boo-


Kotaro now noticed Inaba's presense.


Kotaro, out loud: Inaba!


Meanwhile . . .


Domo, out loud: Ah . . .

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