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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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The submarine was focusing in on a blue blip in the middle of the sea. "Only three hundred more miles to go! We're making excellent time!" Wesfield just sighed at his comment. "Shut up' date=' jeez it's like all you wanna talk about is the time that has passed..." Vayne just shot him an angry look and continued driving.



ooc: just making sure Jake sees it LOL

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Domo and Alice had heard the commotion from down the hall and were just now arriving on the scene.


Domo *out of breath*, out loud: What . . . happened?


Alice, out loud: We heard someone scream and thought one of you was in trouble.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro had been in the library and hadn't heard the scream from Claire. As he combed through the books he couldn't help but feel like he was on a useless search. While looking he didn't see Tarr walk into the room trying to find him.


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In a small pool of deep blue water, that seemed to be in the middle of some main hall a submarine appeared from depths of the ocean, making a huge rush of water come up as well as a big sound. It floated there for a few minutes before the top hatch opened and two figures climbed out and touched to the main hall floor. "Dang, nice digs." Wesfield commented as he looked around but saw not another living soul, aside from the starfish and barnacles living on the wall of the main hall. "It seems we'll have to search around for your friends..." Vayne said, Wesfield shook his head and they started walking away from the submarine.

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Alice, to Grim: Where is Meody anyways?


Domo, out loud: I KNEW we shouldn't trust her!


Meanwhile . . .


Posiedon walked into the room where Wesfield and the professor had just entered. He waved his hand to bring attention to himself.


Posiedon, to both: Welc ome to my palace. I assume the four-legged one is with the others.


In Other Places . . .


Kotaro begins to explain what he is looking for, but stops when he sees Tarr standing behind him. He can't put his finger on it, but something about her is different and it is really bothering him. He can't even remember what he was looking for now.


Kotaro, to Tarr: Did you change something Tarr?

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Kotaro could feel his heart being to beat faster when Tarr smiled at him. She was looking for him? The thought shouldn't be too odd, but for some reason it made him break out in a sweat. He had to look away or he felt like he'd stop breathing.


Kotaro, to Tarr: W-Well I've been in . . . here, almost all . . . day.


Meanwhile . . .


Domo, out loud: We have to find her!


In Other Places . . .


As Meody was moving through the forest she heard someone step out from behind a tree, although which one she was not sure.


????, to Claire: You are looking for the black fang? not a good idea . . . turn back now.

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