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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Grim took a step back, then felt something wet hit his shoulder. He whipped it off and saw that it was red, and it wasn't water- it was blood . . . demon blood. Looking up he saw Kotaro clinging to the wall with the coldest eyes he had ever seen the half demon have. Kotaro then leaped down at him.

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Kotaro stood up, his eyes blazing red with demonic power. Kotaro growled at the mention of Katie's name and the popped his knuckles, putting his hand in a position were he could easily rip Grim's heart out.


Kotaro, to Grim *deeper tone of voice*: I'll find a way to stop her without having to take her life.


Kotaro's demonic energy began to recede and the white in his eyes began to bubble up from his pupil, causing the red to fade.

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Aphrodite, to Tarr: I am going to use my powers to make you more beautiful naturally. Nothing about you will change physically, but internally every male will notice a difference. Watch . .


Aphrodite swirled her hand around and then pointed at a normal looking rose bud. The bud then bloomed into a normal red rose, but oddly to Tarr it seemed more than a rose, like it was perfect and nothing should be changed about it.

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"Oh! Tarr was the harpies name and umm...Kotaro was the half dog demon creature!" Vayne turned to the matter locater and started punching in information and then sorted through some lists on the screen. "Hm, It appears that they are residing deep under the sea." Wesfield frowned. "How deep..." Vayne took a close look at the screen. "About 30,000..." Wesfield just hung his head. "How the hell can we make it there!?" Vayne thought about the situation for a moment. "I have subs that go 20,000 down I'd need at least two or three days to upgrade them...." Vayne suggested. "Damn, that'll have to do, get cracking." Vayne went to the underground portion of his lab and the robots followed.

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