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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Aphrodite turned around and began to pace. She mumbled to herself while continuing to pace. Posioden then came in and saw that Aphrodite had arrived.


Posioden, out loud: Aphrodite! I'm glad you made it here safely!


Aphrodite, to Posioden: Uncle. It is good to see you haven't been attacked yet.

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Posioden, to Grim: As far as I know the Black Fang has taken out four gods. Apollo, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades and Hermes.


Aphrodite interrupted and told the reason why she had came to the palace.


Aphrodite, out loud: They've just made it five. This morning they busted into my home and took Hephaestus.

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ooc: Still no new computer yet, I'm trying though guys =\


Somewhere in a thistle of tree's and grass was the body of Yokoshima. However, there was no actual soul controlling it just yet. For that information will have to dig a little further in this strange and peculiar individual...



"Yokoshima tried to kill me and Wes just so he could leave the mind chamber, aint' no way he's going again!" Wesfield argued with ???1 and ???2, who seemed to be the only ones who haven't gone and joined the group yet. "This is an odd choice to make. On one hand we can't send Wes because strong enemies could easily kill him, no offense. But on another hand we can't send one of the top two because the time limit for us is about a day at the most." ???2 stated. "AND Yokoshima just came back and tried to betray us so he can't go again. It's down to Wesfield and Tsukaeru." Wes said. "I'd rather not waste my time." Tsukaeru stated. "Sweet it's my turn now!" In a burst of black flames the body of Yokoshima was replaced with the body of the four legged Fiend Class Demon known as Wesfield. "Good...now where the hell am I!!!" Wesfield said in anger.


[spoiler=In case you forgot...]




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Kotaro, to Grim: I actually think Tarr killed Eric.

to Tarr: Didn't you?


As Meody spoke that hse had a few run ins with them Domo raised his eyebrow and began to wonder.


Domo, to Meody: Run in(s), hu? And how didn't you get in fights?


Meanwhile . . .


Wesfield looked around and saw a mountain range in the far distance and rolling hills everywhere else. The clostest thing he could see in those hills was a simple village area.

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Posiedon let out a little laugh and then nodded his head.


Posiedon, to Grim: It is on the upper stairs, the farthest right hand room. However if you wish to have your questions answered sooner I can answer them for you.


Aphrodite's eyes lit up and she turned her head towards her uncle, stopping the brush she was using midway down her blond hair.


Aphrodite, out loud: Uncle! You can't be serious about telling them!?

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