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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Sonya smiles, she now realizes the truth and has a plan. She spins around, letting Inaba's sword to graze past her. When she is standing beside Inaba she quickly slams the entire fan on Inaba's wrists. a sharp crack is heard and the sword falls free from her hands. Sonya then kicks Inaba in the head, dazing her for just enough time. Sonya lifts her over her shoulder and looks back at Grim and Cali.


Sonya, to both: Her powers would be nice for my master to "borrow"


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro is so focused on getting to Katie he completely ignores Tarr as he begins to run up the mountains side. Finally he reaches the top, to Katie's suprise (she had not noticed him heading her way). Kotaro fully extends his clawas and with one last heave leaps high above the mountain's edge.


Kotaro, out loud: KATIE!

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The blade goes clean through Sonya, who never flinches.


Sonya, to Inaba: That one hurt me, remember?


Meanwhile . . .


Katie looks up to see Kota about to strike her. She mumbles under her breath and waves a hand to Kota. Kotaro suddenly stops in midair and is flung back as if a giant had threw him.

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Sonya would of shook her head if she could of moved it. Spikes were shooting out of the top of her head, her right cheeck, the arm holding Inaba, her chest, left waist and both knees.


Sonya, to Inaba: You're becoming a pest.


Sonya took a step forward and showed she wasn't going to give up either.


Meanwhile . . .


Kotaro stood back up and it looked as if he was going to ignore Tarr. But finally he glanced at her and spoke.


to Tarr: I have to find out what happened to her . . .

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