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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Kyushi steamed as he came to a hault. The metal bolts and sorings that animated him moved about like worms in the corpse of a body, making him look more dead than alive. Erik leaped back and landed on his shoulders, spreading his wings to make himself look larger.


Erik, to all: Ready for the end? We're going to kill you all here and now.

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Erik smirked as the faint sounds of the bog began to be replaced by another, more ominous noise. Metal moving against metal, water sloshing about, people breathing- An army. Erik flies into the air and fans the fog away, revealing an army. In the front Sonya could be seen hungrly waiting to kill . . . anything.


Erik, to Grim: Is this good enough!?

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