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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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To the groups shock and surprise the dragon had not stayed put. He somehow managed to appear directly in front of theme and at that distance there was 0-10% chance of survival. The Storm Dragon was about to fire, no time to think, Yokoshima appeared in front of the group. "Kieuseru Taishite Yami." Yokoshima said in that strange language from before. Instead of the Hexagram that Jake had seen earlier a Decagram appeared instead and after about two minutes of absorption the attack was gone. "I can't..." Yokoshima didn't fall to a knee he fell flat on the ground, no signs of life in him. The Storm Dragon was rampaging and after he slashed Yokoshima through a cavalcade of buildings he landed to fight the group...

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"Magic Missile..." When the voice sounded from behind the group there was a sense of panic and relief in the air. Hundreds of small missiles jetted passed the group and slammed into the Storm Dragon with great viciousness and power. Each of these small missiles seemed to pack in elemental punch and none of them were the elements this dragon was fond of. "Ha ha!" A woman sounded as she jumped from the roof top and grabbed in electrical device from the neck of the dragon, crushing it afterward. "Phew that was a close one! Hi! I'm Leesta, who are you!?" She asked in a loud voice. "Now Leesta, don't scare them into thinking we're an enemy. I am Alugard, may I please know your names as well?" Leesta seemed energetic and happy, and Alugard was more the dark, calm, and careful type.


ooc: I love filler characters that are only there to fill in plot! =)

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"You may address me as Yokoshima..." Yokoshima said, just walking back from the other side of town. "That dragon you faced was deployed by an organization known as Calm. They are a government run group that plans to wipe out all small towns and insists that all people be moved to big cities." Alugard explained as he walked up to the Storm Dragon. "He really isn't that dangerous but when he's hooked up to one of their devices..." He explained. "When is fly boy gonna get here!?" Leesta said. "He's not coming to get us this time, we'll have to infiltrate Calm's main base on foot. Would you all like to join us?" Alugard suggested to the group.

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"We are an independent faction that represents all of the small town people's right to location. We plan to stop Calm's efforts in anyway we possibly can." Alugard explained. "Our group is named Renegade!" Leesta burst's into the discussion with a smile on her face. "There are only a few of us know but if you join we can get rid of Calm once and for all!" Leesta explained.

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"And you are?" Alugard said as he looked over to the man. Careful, he may be a member of Calm, although he doesn't look like a match for the info we have... Alugard said telepathically to the group. "Give use your name or die!" Leesta said in her energetic voice. "Calm yourself." Alugard said and Leesta just sat down on the ground.

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