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Mythology RPG (Now Accepting) [Advanced]

Jake the Sage

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Kotaro and Tarr are sat beside each other, thanks to Aphrodite making a "fuss" about not sitting near Apollo. Domo and Alice are across from them and are eagerly awaiting the food. The sitting arrangement was as followed:















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Ooc No I don't think so.


So as the food came to Tarr she passed most of it by but still took some of it for her self. But what bothered the most is Kotaro's and Katie's little discussion. Even though she did now want to ask he mind was going nuts. "So Kotaro you never answered me form before. How did you heal so fast?"

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As everyone waits the food is brought to vthem by tree nymphs and sea nymphs in wonderous silk gowns. Each plate is gently placed in front of them and their grails filled to the brim with a strange clear liquid. Once that is done the nymphs vanish and Zues stands with his grail riased high in the air, "A toast! To those brave warriors who risked their lives to save ours! We thank you for all that you have done and pray for those who did not make it." Each god and goddess raises their grails and repeats Zues' words with smiles.

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Kotaro raises his grail and so does Domo and Alice. Kotaro stand up and thanks the gods for the toasts and sits back down. With a clap Zues announced that the feast could begin. Each person grabs the food that looks the best off of the plates and eats. While they eat Kotaro only fiddles with his food. Finally he looks up from his plate and asks Zues a question, "How did Katie gain the power to take down an immortal in the first place?"


Everyone stops eating and looks at Zues.

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Zues shighs with a smile and puts his grail down. There was no point in hiding it any longer so he decided to come out with the truth. "Well you see . . . Katie was supposed to die a few days after she was kidnapped."


Kotaro dropped his fork when he heard this and everyone was silent. Hera stood up and then used the peacock feathers that adorned her dress as a backdrop, "Its all complicated so I'll take over from where my husband left off." As Hera spoke the peacock feathers russled and then a picture could be seen in the colors. The pictures showed a young girl in a rural village as three figures stood above it in the sky.


"It had been decided by the Fates long ago that Katie would die. The sleeping power within her would awaken on her XX Birthday and her inevitable destiny would be started. Because of this my husband and I set the Black Fang after her so that they would die before this," The image of the girl was then overshadowed by countless others and they soon made the girl's image vanish. Kotaro began to scowl and grip his grail even harder now when he heard that they had meant for her to die, "Kotaro- it was our only option, you must understand. If she had been allowed to live then all others would perish; so strong was her power. yet somehow a device from your age came into our era and disrupted her death," The feathers swayed back and forth and what looked like a comet fell from the top right and moved until it landed next to the imange of the girl which had returned, "This amulet awoke her latent powers before anyone else thought and she began her destiny- by destorying the Black Fang and rebuiling it as her own army," The girls image was shown above all the others with a shine where the amulet had rested on her chest.


Zues then stood up and with a snap of his fingers his and Hera's appearance changed into someone that Grim, Cali, and Tarr were familiar with. Zues changed into Cameron and Hera into Jackie. All three are stunned to see that the people who had started them out on this quest beyond time was Zues and Hera themselves. Zues then spoke, "We new that it would be risky for any god or goddess to confront Katie now that she had aquired the ability to drain our immortality and out abilities." Hera then picked up from there, "So we called on you children to come to our aid. We know how much we put you through but we had little choice . . . and in the end you came through for everyone."


Alice nodded her head and then spoke, "So the amulet was from the future, the time period that Tarr, Cali and Grim are from. That makes sense . . . I guess."


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"I wonder..." Sykes said for the moment but then Merz shook his head. "No no, Zera nor The Almighty Ruler of Heaven would ever consider sending an item from the past to the future." Merz said, flawling Sykes guess. "What would they have to gain, hm? Heaven doesn't want war and Zera doesn't time travel at all." Sykes agreed with Merz and then they both looked at Zeus again and shrugged, saying they didn't know who could have sent it from the past to the futrue.

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Zues sat back down with his wife and shook their heads too. For being so called omniputant as they are neither of them could figure out how the amulet was sent into the past or who did it. Alice then cleared her through as she put down a spoon hlaf filled with tomatoes and okra, "I think I know how. No diety in any era desires to destory everything; or at least I hope not. With that said then the only logical explination would be that somehow mankind in the future created a chain of events that enabled the amulet to time travel all the way back to this era," Alice dipped her spoon in the soup and then slurpped the contents before continuing, "But that is just my theory."

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This is starting to make my head spin. So many thing so little time She shock her head it still had a disturbed look on her face. "Well maybe it wasn't Humans, there to stupid or to confined by a government to do anything like this." She paused for a moment. "Are there more gods then this? Like." She tryed to remember something but her minds was frizzy. "Norse gods or Christianity?"

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"I see, are you aware of this man's location or do you not know that either?" Sykes said, wanting to know information about his comrade. "Those forms all sucked!" Merz said, teasingly. "Especially wesfield, hated that guy the most." Merz pointed out to all the room, making some people smile at his fake acusations.

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