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Assault Morphtronics

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Monsters: 19

Arcane Apprentice x1

Assault Mercenary x3

Cyber Dragon x1

Heavy Mecha Support Platform x1

Jinzo x1

Morphtronic Celfon x1

Morphtronic Magnen x2

Morphtronic Radion x3

Morphtronic Scopen x3

Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode x3


Spells: 10

Future Fusion x1

Giant Trunade x1

Heavy Storm x1

Junk Box x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Limiter Removal x1

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Overload Fusion x1

Reinforcements of the Army x1


Traps: 11

Assault Mode Activate x3

Assault Teleport x3

Dark Bribe x3

Morphtronic Monitron x2


Extra Deck: 11

Black Rose Dragon x3

Chimeratech Overdragon x2

Goyo Guardian x1

Stardust Dragon x3


If you don't understand or even spot the joke in the title, you fail.

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